Special Collections & Archives (SCA) is excited to announce the launch of Wake Forest University’s Digital Collections on Quartex.

Initially, the WFU site will focus on two collections, consisting of the Board of Trustees minutes (1845-1920) and the Biblical Recorder (1834-1899), comprising over 2,300 items. The Special Collections & Archives Team will also be transferring other digital collections to Quartex, with selected items remaining in its institutional repository, WakeSpace.

Digital Collections currently consists of over 245,000 unique digitized items within 112 collections. We look forward to working with Quartex and its team to provide expanded and easier access to our online collections for researchers. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Melde Rutledge, Digital Collections Librarian: archives@wfu.edu

Special thanks to Melde Rutledge, Digital Collections Librarian; Kevin Gilbertson, Web Services Librarian; and Thomas Dowling, Director of Technologies!