Benefits & Responsibilities
ZSR Ambassadors
The ZSR Ambassadors represents the student perspective to the library administration. The program is designed to be a leadership opportunity that will develop the professional skills of the ambassadors and help the library administrative team consider students needs and perspectives in decision making. Every spring semester, the group will vote in a President and Vice President that will serve a one-year term.
- Serve a one-year commitment
- Ambassadors may choose to take a semester of leave and maintain regular membership if participating in a study abroad or other program that would prevent their regular involvement
- Attend no less than 25% of regularly scheduled meetings each academic semester
- Attend and/or actively participate in at least three library ambassador events or projects (ZSR outreach events, library events or special projects) each academic semester
- Group will identify and research library-related issues/events and propose them to the Library Administration in a private “town hall” format
- Contribute to ZSR Social Media Channels and Blogs
- Opportunity to serve on the executive board of the group
- Provide feedback on upcoming projects and library marketing
- Special speakers at group meetings
- Exclusive study space during finals
- Invitation to special ZSR events
- Develop leadership, project management, and marketing skills, cultivate professional connections, and make a positive impact on the ZSR Library.
- Must serve semester they are voted in and the semester after
- Lead meetings with aide of ZSR Faculty Advisers
- Serve as a liaison between ZSR Faculty Advisers and the Student Ambassadors
- Create project timelines for student outreach event and end of semester presentation to administration
- Assist with record keeping (meeting minutes, etc.)
Vice President
- Aide President in project management and coordination of events and meetings
- Assist with spring recruitment of new members
- Assist with record keeping (meeting minutes, etc.)
- Responsible for recording meeting minutes
- Assists with communications within the group
Book Reviews & Displays Chair
- Assists with management and design of ZSR Reviews display
- Creates library display themes and related readers advisory content
Community Engagement Chair
- Serves as Ambassadors contact and liaison for broader University and community service opportunities (Project Pumpkin, Hit the Bricks, service projects, etc.)
- Leads ZSR Ambassador promotion and marketing campaigns
- Works with ZSR Communications & Events Coordinator to promote Ambassadors via various ZSR Marketing Channels