Library Committees and Working Groups



All library employees are critical to the governance of the Library. The entire staff meets monthly and teams meet regularly. Advisory committees of university faculty and students meet with the Dean to facilitate communication and advise on Library policies and procedures. The Dean of the Library also establishes an array of standing committees and working groups, as well as ad hoc committees and task forces when needed allowing all library staff and faculty to participate in the development of future directions of the library.

Administrative Council

The Administrative Council meets monthly to discuss, develop, and review policies, plans, projects, and issues relevant to the Library and its roles in the University. The Council membership is populated by the Dean, Associate Dean, Business Manager, Directors of each ZSR unit, the Library’s advancement officer, a representative from the staff, and one from the librarians assembly.

  • Rodrigo Castro, Director of Public Services
  • Lauren Corbett, Director of Resource Services
  • Thomas Dowling, Director of Technology
  • Veronica Escamilla-Brady, Business Manager
  • Jess Wilson-Saia, Library Staff Representative
  • Molly Keener, Director of Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication
  • Sandy Rodriguez, Associate Dean
  • Tim Pyatt, Dean
  • Morgan Ritchie-Baum, Library Faculty Representative
  • Joel Rivera, Assistant Director of Development
  • Rosalind Tedford, Director of Research, Instruction and Outreach
  • Tanya Zanish-Belcher, Director of Special Collections

Assessment Working Group

The Assessment Committee evaluates and utilizes assessment methods to enhance decision-making processes on the future of the physical spaces and programs of ZSR library. The working group will focus on expanding or creating programs that cater to the diverse needs of our patrons while actively seeking opportunities to increase equity, diversity, and inclusion within all aspects of library services.


  1. Assessment Methodologies: Develop and implement effective assessment methodologies to evaluate the usage of physical spaces and programs within the library. This includes gathering data on patron usage patterns, and satisfaction levels.
  2. Decision-Making Support: Collect, distribute, and analyze assessment data to provide insights and recommendations to library leadership regarding the optimization of physical spaces and the development of new programs to meet the evolving needs of our diverse patron community.
  3. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI): Identify areas within library services where EDI principles can be strengthened and implement strategies to promote greater inclusivity and accessibility. Ensure that assessment efforts prioritize the needs of underrepresented groups and work towards creating an environment that fosters belonging for all.
  4. Annually provide a workshop for committee chairs on measuring what matters, and provide information on how the data we collect informs various reports to IEC, SACS, IPEDS, ACRL, etc.

The Assessment Working Group is integral to the library’s commitment to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all patrons and staff members. By leveraging assessment data and prioritizing EDI principles, the committee will contribute to informed decision-making, program development, and the ongoing enhancement of library services and spaces.

Membership 2024-25

The membership of the Assessment Working Group will consist of all directors of the library’s units, and will be chaired by the Associate Dean. Additional input will occasionally be sought by experts from across the library.

  • Rodrigo Castro, Director of Public Services
  • Lauren Corbett, Director of Resource Services
  • Thomas Dowling, Director of Technology
  • Veronica Escamilla-Brady, Business Manager
  • Molly Keener, Director of Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication
  • Sandy Rodriguez, Associate Dean (chair)
  • Rosalind Tedford, Director of Research, Instruction and Outreach
  • Tanya Zanish-Belcher, Director of Special Collections and Archives

Assessment Committee Year End Report 2023-2024

Assessment Committee Year End Report 2022-2023

Collections Executive Working Group

The Collections Executive Working Group (CEWG) oversees the strategic management of the library’s collections, including physical and electronic resources. The group is tasked with assessing historical practices, current needs, and emerging trends to ensure effective allocation of resources and optimal access to information for library users. The Working Group serves in an advisory capacity and reports regularly to the Dean and the University Committee on Library Planning.


  1. Recommend Budget Allocation:
    • Evaluate historical budget allocation practices regarding programs and collection development.
    • Analyze present needs and emerging trends to inform budgetary decisions.
    • Recommend budget allocations for programs and collection development based on assessed needs and strategic priorities.
  2. Physical Collection Management:
    • Develop policies for determining the location of physical collections (e.g., onsite stacks, offsite storage) based on usage data, preservation needs, and accessibility.
    • Assess and recommend strategies for weeding physical items/collections, considering relevance, usage, and space constraints.
    • Provide guidance on the organization and maintenance of physical collections to optimize user experience and facilitate efficient retrieval.
  3. Expansion of E-resources:
    • Evaluate the current size and importance of the physical collection in relation to the library’s mission and user needs.
    • Assess the potential benefits and challenges of expanding e-resources, considering accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and user preferences.
    • Make recommendations regarding the expansion of e-resources to complement and enhance the existing physical collection, ensuring alignment with strategic objectives.
  4. Policy Development and Decision-making:
    • Develop and review policies related to collection management, including acquisitions, deselection, preservation, and access.
    • Provide expertise and guidance to support decision-making processes related to collection development and resource allocation.
    • Stay informed about industry standards, best practices, and legal/regulatory/contractual requirements relevant to collection management, and integrate this knowledge into policy development and decision-making.
  5. Monitoring and Evaluation:
    • Establish mechanisms for monitoring the effectiveness of collection management strategies and policies.
    • Conduct periodic evaluations to assess the impact of budget allocations, collection management practices, and resource expansion initiatives on user satisfaction, access to information, and library goals.
    • Use evaluation findings to inform adjustments and improvements to collection management strategies and policies as needed.
  6. Reporting:
    • The CEWG will report its findings, recommendations, and progress to the library administration on a regular basis, as well as provide updates to relevant stakeholders as necessary.

The CEWG is charged with the critical responsibility of managing the library’s collections effectively to support the information needs of its users and advance its mission. By evaluating historical practices, assessing current needs, and adapting to emerging trends, the group will contribute to the continued excellence and relevance of the library’s collections and services.

Membership 2024-25

The CEWG includes representatives from key library departments, including Resource Services, Special Collections and Archives, Technology, Public Services, Research, Instruction and Outreach, and Library Administration, as well as other stakeholders as deemed appropriate by the library administration.

  • Tanya Zanish-Belcher, Director of Special Collections & Archives
  • Carol Cramer, Head of Collection Management
  • Veronica Escamilla-Brady, Business Manager
  • James Harper, Public Services Librarian-Content and Access Delivery
  • Kathy Shields, Research Services Lead (chair)
  • Kate Silton, Electronic Resources Librarian

Collections Executive Committee Annual Report 2023-2024

Collections Executive Committee Annual Report 2022-2023

Employee Development & Recognition Committee

The Employee Development and Recognition Committee (EDRC) helps create a culture of professional growth, appreciation, and recognition within ZSR Library. By overseeing the Annual Employee Recognition program, coordinating the Wanda K. Brown Staff Development Day, and managing the ZSR Recognitions program, the committee plays a pivotal role in supporting the development and well-being of library staff members.


  1. Annual Employee Recognition Program:
    • Develop and evaluate criteria, guidelines, and nomination processes for the Annual Employee Recognition program.
    • Coordinate the solicitation and review of nominations, ensuring fairness, transparency, and confidentiality throughout the selection process.
    • Organize and execute the recognition event, including the presentation of awards and acknowledgment of recipients’ contributions.
  2. Wanda K. Brown Staff Development Day:
    • Collaborate with relevant stakeholders to develop the schedule and agenda for the Wanda K. Brown Staff Development Day.
    • Curate a diverse range of professional development opportunities for the WKBSDD including workshops, speakers, and activities that address the needs and interests of library staff.
    • Coordinate logistics, communication, and follow-up activities to ensure the successful implementation of the Wanda K. Brown Staff Development Day.
  3. ZSR Recognitions Program:
    • Manage the ZSR Recognitions program, which celebrates the contributions of individual staff members and teams as they happen throughout the year through the established recognition program.
    • Maintain a repository of past recognitions for reference and inspiration.
    • Promote ZSR Recognitions as a way to encourage appreciation for the work of our colleagues.
    • Provide updates to ZSR staff and faculty on those recognized in the ZSR Recognitions monthly.
  4. Reporting:
    • The EDRC will report its progress, recommendations, and outcomes to the library administration on a regular basis, as well as disseminate updates to ZSR staff and faculty through appropriate channels.

The EDRC plays a vital role in promoting employee development, recognition, and engagement within ZSR Library. Through its efforts to oversee recognition programs, coordinate professional development opportunities, and communicate with staff and faculty, the committee contributes to fostering a supportive and inclusive workplace culture where all employees feel valued and empowered to succeed.

Membership 2024-25

The EDRC includes one representative from each team within ZSR Library, ensuring diverse perspectives and equitable representation. Members should demonstrate a commitment to employee development, recognition, and fostering a positive work environment.

  • Daisha Bunn (co-chair, 2024-25)
  • Joy Gambill (co-chair, 2023-25)
  • Erin Jones (2024-25)
  • Molly Keener, (2023-25)
  • Steve Kelley (2023-25)
  • Kate Silton (2024-26)
  • Kate Trathen (2024-25)

Employee Development and Recognition Annual Report 2023-2024

Employee Development and Recognition Annual Report 2022-2023

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, & Accessibility Working Group

The Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility Working Group (EDIAWG) champions the values of equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility within ZSR Library, fostering a culture of belonging and respect for all employees and patrons. Members of this working group will be aiding the groups charged with implementing action steps to forward our aims identified in “Informing our Future Priorities for 2025“, and focusing attention on the goals set forth in the RIDE framework for this academic year. In centering this perspective, they will assist in developing a welcoming, inclusive, and equitable environment for everyone.


  1. Informing our Future: Each member of the EDIA WG will be a liaison to one of the working groups identified in the “Informing our Future Priorities for 2025” and will provide guidance to ensure that the developing action plans are inclusive of EDIA goals.
  2. RIDE Framework: all of the members of the Working Group will support the initiatives set forth in our RIDE Framework goals for the 2024/25 academic year.
  3. Reporting: The EDIAWG will provide annual updates on its activities, progress, and outcomes to the library administration and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

The EDIAWG plays a critical role in driving efforts to create a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment within ZSR Library. The working group contributes to fostering a culture of belonging and respect where all employees and patrons feel valued and empowered to thrive.

Membership 2024-25

The EDIAWG includes individuals from diverse backgrounds and roles within ZSR Library who are committed to advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion. Membership may include representatives from various departments, affinity groups, and employee resource groups.

  • Rodrigo Castro (chair)
  • Daisha Bunn
  • Christian Burris
  • Jemma Johnson
  • Monesha Staton-Fluker

Outreach & Communications Working Group (formerly Communications Committee)

The Outreach and Communications Working Group (OCWG) enhances the visibility, accessibility, and inclusivity of ZSR Library’s events, services, and collections. Recognizing the importance of equitable representation and outreach to marginalized communities, the OCWG will prioritize efforts to expand equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in all aspects of its work.


  1. Campaign Development:
    • Collaborate to develop innovative and engaging campaigns to promote library events and services, leveraging various communication channels including social media, newsletters, campus-wide announcements, and digital signage
    • Ensure that all campaigns are inclusive and culturally responsive, reflecting the diverse interests and needs of the ZSR Library community.
  2. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Focus:
    • Center efforts on expanding equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in outreach initiatives, with a particular focus on reaching marginalized communities.
    • Identify opportunities to amplify underrepresented voices and perspectives through targeted outreach strategies and programming.
  3. Exhibit Case Management:
    • Manage exhibit cases to showcase displays of ZSR Library collections, aligning with affinity groups or designated monthly themes (e.g., Black History Month, Women’s History Month).
    • Collaborate with relevant stakeholders to curate exhibits that highlight diverse voices, experiences, and contributions from across campus to promote the work of other departments.
  4. Community Engagement:
    • Expand partnerships with campus organizations and other stakeholders to enhance outreach efforts and promote mutual collaboration through SocCoffee and other avenues.
    • Seek feedback from diverse constituencies to ensure that outreach initiatives are responsive to community needs and preferences.
  5. Evaluation and Assessment:
    • Implement mechanisms for evaluating the effectiveness of outreach campaigns and exhibit displays, tracking metrics for engagement, inclusivity, and impact.
    • Use assessment findings to refine strategies and enhance the overall effectiveness of outreach and communications efforts.
  6. Reporting:
    • The OCWG will provide regular updates on its activities and outcomes to the library administration, as well as seek input and feedback from relevant stakeholders as appropriate.

The OCWG plays a critical role in advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) within ZSR Library by developing inclusive outreach initiatives and promoting diverse voices and perspectives. By collaborating with internal and external partners, the group will contribute to building a more equitable and inclusive library community that reflects the richness of its diverse constituents.

Membership 2024-2025:

The OCWG includes individuals who are actively engaged in communications and outreach efforts within ZSR Library, including representatives from various departments and affinity groups. Membership may also include external stakeholders with relevant expertise or perspectives.

  • Daisha Bunn, Communications and Events Coordinator (chair)
  • Kevin Gilbertson, Web Services Librarian
  • Jemma Johnson, Public Services Assistant
  • Danielle Key, Outreach Coordinator
  • Rebecca May, Public Services Archivist
  • Molly Keener, Director of Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communications
  • Megan Mulder, Special Collections Librarian
  • Meghan Webb, Instruction & Outreach Librarian
  • Emma Gauthier, ZSR Library Fellow
  • + Others as may be deemed appropriate

Communications Committee Annual Report 2022-2023

Communications Committee Annual Report 2023-2024

Safety & Security Committee

The Safety and Security Committee (S&S) plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals within ZSR Library premises. By developing and maintaining emergency protocols and policies, conducting training for library staff, and prioritizing the needs of neurodivergent, handicapped, and other underrepresented groups, the committee contributes to creating a secure environment where everyone feels protected and supported.


  1. Emergency Protocols and Policies:
    • Develop and maintain comprehensive emergency protocols and policies to guide ZSR Library staff in responding effectively to various emergency situations, including but not limited to, medical emergencies, fires, natural disasters, and security incidents.
    • Ensure that emergency protocols and policies are regularly reviewed, updated, and communicated to all staff members, incorporating feedback and lessons learned from drills, incidents, and external guidelines.
    • Annually review the Safety and Security Documentation to ensure that policies, procedures, and guidelines are current, accurate, and reflective of changes to ZSR Library’s physical spaces and operational needs.
  2. Training Coordination:
    • Conduct and coordinate training sessions for library staff on emergency procedures and protocols, focusing on preparedness, response, and recovery.
    • Provide training opportunities on essential emergency response skills, including but not limited to, AED, CPR, and First Aid; proper use of fire extinguishers; and evacuation procedures.
  3. Inclusivity and Accessibility:
    • Prioritize the needs and accommodations of neurodivergent, handicapped, and other underrepresented groups in all aspects of emergency planning, response, and training.
    • Collaborate with relevant stakeholders, including Admin Council, the Employee Association and others, to ensure that emergency protocols and training materials are accessible and inclusive to all individuals.
  4. Reporting:
    • The S&SC will provide regular updates on its activities, progress, and recommendations to the library administration, as well as collaborate with relevant stakeholders to ensure alignment with institutional goals and regulatory requirements.

The Safety and Security Committee is committed to promoting a safe and secure environment for all individuals within ZSR Library premises. By developing and maintaining emergency protocols and policies, conducting training for library staff, and prioritizing inclusivity and accessibility in all aspects of its work, the committee upholds its responsibility to protect the well-being of staff members, patrons, and visitors alike.

Membership 2024-25

The S&SC consists of individuals from diverse backgrounds and roles within ZSR Library, including representatives from Public Services, Technology and Special Collections and Archives, and other relevant departments. Occasional representation from experts external to the library (ie, University Police, Environmental Health and Safety, or Center for Learning, Access, and Student Success) may also be engaged.

  • Prentice Armstrong (2024-25)
  • Rodrigo Castro (chair, standing)
  • Thomas Dowling (standing)
  • Patrick Ferrell (2024-26)
  • Will Ritter (2024-25)
  • Ty Wilson (2024-25)
  • Tanya Zanish-Belcher (standing)

Safety and Security Annual Report 2022-2023

TALA Conference Planning

The TALA Conference Planning group includes representatives from all TALA Libraries to plan the annual conference held usually in May. Representatives volunteer from each library every year.

Membership 2024/25:

  • Colleen Foy
  • Melde Rudledge

TALA Conference held at High Point University in May, 2023

Wake the Library Committee

The Wake the Library Committee (WTL) plays a vital role in supporting students during the challenging period of finals week by organizing end-of-semester programming, coordinating giveaways, and fostering campus-wide engagement. By working within a designated budget, utilizing previous assessments, and collaborating with partners across campus, the committee aims to provide valuable support for students while promoting community and well-being during a stressful time.


  1. End-of-Semester Programming:
    • Encourage a diverse and engaging schedule of events and activities to be held during finals week, designed to provide students with opportunities for relaxation, stress relief, and academic support. Engage with campus groups to identify partnerships and schedule programming..
  2. Snacks and Giveaways Coordination:
    • Coordinate the procurement and distribution of snacks and other giveaways to support students during finals week within the constraints of the designated budget. Seek additional funding from the Student Activities Fund early in each semester to enhance campus support.
  3. Campus Engagement and Partnerships:
    • Identify, encourage, and partner with campus organizations, departments, and student groups to enhance participation and engagement in finals week events.
    • Collaborate with partners such as University Police, the Business School, SOTAGAB, Campus Recreation, and others to leverage resources, promote cross-campus collaboration, and expand the reach and impact of finals week programming.
  4. Assessment and Feedback:
    • Conduct ongoing assessments throughout finals week to gather feedback from students on the effectiveness, enjoyment, and impact of the program.
    • Use assessment findings to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, informing future planning and decision-making processes.
  5. Reporting:
    • The WTL will regularly update relevant stakeholders, including the library administration, campus partners, and student representatives, on its activities, progress, and assessment findings.

The Wake the Library Committee plays an important role in providing valuable support to students during the demanding period of finals week. Through thoughtful planning, collaboration with campus partners, and ongoing assessment and feedback, the committee strives to create a supportive and engaging environment that promotes student success and well-being for all of our students.

Membership 2024-25

The WTLC includes individuals from various departments and student organizations within the university, with representation from the library, student affairs, academic departments, and other relevant areas. Membership should reflect diverse perspectives and a commitment to supporting student well-being during finals week.

  • Kylie Bradley (2024-25)
  • Daisha Bunn (2024-26)
  • Jeff Eller (2023-25)
  • Veronica Escamilla-Brady (2024-26) (co-chair, 2024-25)
  • Ashelee Gerald Hill (2024-26) (co-chair, 2024-25)
  • Danielle Key (2024-25)
  • David Link (2023-25)
  • Leslie McCall (2024-2025)
  • Tim Mitchell (2024-25)
  • Emma Gauthier, Library Fellow (2024-25)

Wake the Library Annual Report 2023-2024

Wake the Library Annual Report 2022-2023