
Here @ ZSR

Neuroscience Book Club

Last Sunday evening, I was invited to participate in the Neuroscience Book Club in the Department of Biology. Along with some neuroscience faculty and graduate students, I facilitated a small discussion group on Your Brain on Food: How Chemicals Control Your Thoughts and Feelings. The author of the book is Dr. Gary Wenk, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience... Continue reading “Neuroscience Book Club”

ZSR and WFU THRIVE on the First Day of Classes

As many know, the WFU THRIVE initiative is dedicated to ensuring wellbeing over eight holistic dimensions: Emotional, Social, Intellectual, Physical, Financial, Occupational, Spiritual and Environmental. This unique program officially kicked off in the Fall of 2014 and has already made inroads in campus wellbeing. The THRIVE office has decided to do an annual event for... Continue reading “ZSR and WFU THRIVE on the First Day of Classes”


This summer, the Wake Forest University Center for Global Programs and Studies launched a new 3-credit course titled “INS 101: Arrive@Wake” aimed at incoming international students. The inaugural class was made up of seven delightful students. The flyer for the program stated, “The cornerstone of Arrive@Wake is a credit-bearing course designed to strengthen your writing... Continue reading “Arrive@Wake”

It Takes a Village-Parkland IB @ ZSR

On Thursday, July 30th, 27 students from Parkland IB spent the morning in the ZSR Library as part of their week-long orientation to the IB program. We discussed topic ranging from finding research resources via NCLive to writing citations and avoiding plagiarism. I want to thank Ellen Daugman, Kyle Denlinger, Joy Gambill, Megan Mulder, Rebecca... Continue reading “It Takes a Village-Parkland IB @ ZSR”


Throughout the month of July (and late June) members of the RIS team worked with the LENS summer program, offering workshops on research instruction, presentation skills, and google tools. This year there were two LENS programs, one on the topic of Sustainability, and a new one called “Cultural Crossroads”. Over the course of the month,... Continue reading “LENS and ZSR”

ZSR 101: An Introduction to the Z. Smith Reynolds Library at Wake Forest University

Recently, the Professional Development Center at WFU asked the ZSR Library to lead a “ZSR 101” workshop for staff as part of the CORE program. We love to talk about ZSR and the great services we offer, so we jumped at the chance! For this first session, four members of ZSR collaborated on the outline, and... Continue reading “ZSR 101: An Introduction to the Z. Smith Reynolds Library at Wake Forest University”

RootsMOOC for Genealogy Research

Since 2013, ZSR has been developing ZSRx, a platform of free online learning opportunities for the greater WFU community. The most recent ZSRx offering, RootsMOOC, launched on March 23 and is the most ambitious ZSRx initiative to date. The free course, which introduces the basics of genealogy research, was developed in collaboration with the State... Continue reading “RootsMOOC for Genealogy Research”

Clue: Harry Potter Edition @ ZSR

Guest blog story by Heidi Gall (President, ZSR Ambassadors) and Madison Cairo (Vice President, ZSR Ambassadors and Student Assistant, Access Services) On April 10, Hogwarts took over the library with the Clue: Harry Potter event hosted by the ZSR Ambassadors. The classic board-game was brought to life with a Harry Potter twist. Students worked to... Continue reading “Clue: Harry Potter Edition @ ZSR”

Take the Bite out of Crunch Time with Sources, Citations & Cookies

Every Monday in April, we will be offering our drop-in research assistance sessions–Sources, Citations & Cookies– from 2:00 – 6:00 pm. If you are working on a research paper or project, and would like a bit of help from one of our research experts at ZSR, here’s your chance! Our drop-in research assistance sessions will... Continue reading “Take the Bite out of Crunch Time with Sources, Citations & Cookies”

A Tipping Point for HvZ!

After each Humans v Zombies event, I like to write a Gaz post on the event just to keep a record of the event, but this time I’m writing to talk about what looks like a tipping point in the event. The Spring 2014 HvZ had 120 participants, this year we had 158 (and last... Continue reading “A Tipping Point for HvZ!”