Another busy school year is in the rear view! Special Collections and Archives has two seniors graduating who have been great colleagues to us – congratulations, Dalton and Justin! All of the students who work with collections have contributed to making our materials more accessible, whether helping write finding aids with detailed collection inventories or... Continue reading “Newly Processed and Recently Updated Collections, 2021-2022” ›
For the past four years, Special Collections & Archives has had the great good fortune to work closely with the Z. Smith Reynolds Library Development Officer, Mika Payden-Travers. Mika was and is a superstar when it comes to connecting donors with their donation dreams, and helped SCA collaborate with them to achieve their vision. Thanks... Continue reading “Farewell to Mika Payden-Travers from Special Collections & Archives, but Not Good-bye!” ›
Special Collections & Archives recently welcomed Alayna Veasey, Collections Assistant, who joined us during the first week of January. Alayna is based in SCA with responsibilities for reshelving and shifting our collections, picking up donations from donors, and transferring SCA materials back and forth from the ZSR Off-Site Facility. Alayna also has responsibilities at Off-Site... Continue reading “Welcome to Alayna Veasey, SCA Collections Assistant” ›
In 2012 Penelope “Penny” Niven (1939-2014) published her fourth and final biography titled “Thornton Wilder: a life”. She began working on the 848-page account as early as 1997 when she pursued a fellowship at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University. However, one could say that the process started years, decades really,... Continue reading “Exploring [some of] the Penny Niven Papers” ›
Special Collections & Archives hosted our first in-person (and livestreamed) event in two years earlier this week. Mary Tribble spoke about her ancestor Sarah “Sally” Wait, in her talk From Her Hand: Sally Merriam Wait’s Mission South. Mary recently published Pious Ambitions: Sally Merriam Wait’s Mission South, 1813-1831, based in large part on the manuscripts... Continue reading “Recent Presentation by Mary Tribble: From Her Hand: Sally Merriam Wait’s Mission South” ›
Since our last update, we’ve reached the milestone of 80,000 items within our Digital Collections, following the addition of several new digital collections and more items added to our established collections. The following are our most recent collections we’ve made available online. Curt D. Baum Family Collection Curt D. Baum was a Jewish boy of... Continue reading “New Digital Collections, Come See!” ›
This annual report was submitted to the Association of Librarians & Archivists at Baptist Institutions (ALABI). North Carolina Baptist Historical Collection (Special Collections & Archives (SCA)), Z. Smith Reynolds Library, Wake Forest University The North Carolina Baptist Historical Collection had another productive year for 2021. Among its activities were the following: Access: Throughout 2021, SCA... Continue reading “Special Collections & Archives 2021 Report: Association of Librarians and Archivists at Baptist Institutions (ALABI)” ›