Special Collections & Archives

News and more from ZSR’s Special Collections & Archives

J. Barton Benson’s Family Visit to the Graylyn Estate Papers

Earlier this summer, Special Collections and Archives was contacted by Kathleen Hutton, Coordinator of House Experience, at The Graylyn Estate. Kathleen is a frequent user of The Graylyn Estate Collection, but this request was a little more in depth. She explained that the family of J. Barton Benson, master ironworker for the Graylyn Estate, would... Continue reading “J. Barton Benson’s Family Visit to the Graylyn Estate Papers”

75 Years of Wake Forest Demon Deacon (WFDD) Radio

This blog post was written by Nancy Sullivan, Volunteer in Special Collections and Archives. In the 1940s, radio was a crucial source of news and entertainment in a country coming out of economic depression with war on the horizon. Radio could bring news from the front lines of a second world war into the homes... Continue reading “75 Years of Wake Forest Demon Deacon (WFDD) Radio”

ZSR Digital Collections: More to Explore

Over the past months, we have added a variety of digital collections to our site, as well as adding new materials to established collections. As a result, we are happy to have recently surpassed 70,000 items within our digital collections. Here are some of our most recent additions. Interdisciplinary Performance and the Liberal Arts Center... Continue reading “ZSR Digital Collections: More to Explore”

Meeting James McDowell through His Records

Today’s blog comes from student assistant Immanuel Eggers. Before campus operations were indefinitely suspended due to the pandemic, I had the honor of processing late WFU professor James Gordon McDowell’s manuscripts as a special project. Dr. McDowell’s intellect was striking: I recall slowing down my work at numerous points to comb over the easily thousands... Continue reading “Meeting James McDowell through His Records”

What Are You Working On? with Parker Beverly

SCA students assistants wrote end-of-year “What Are You working On?” blog posts to share over the Summer months. Enjoy a write-up from Parker Beverly. Hi, I’m Parker Beverly, a sophomore here at Wake Forest with a major in Interdisciplinary Studies (American Studies) and a minor in Film and Media Studies. When I first set out... Continue reading “What Are You Working On? with Parker Beverly”

Special Collections & Archives: New Collections (Summer 2021)

Special Collections & Archives is often busier during the spring and summer months as we receive new collection donations and transfers. Donors include university offices, Wake Forest alumni, and community members, and we appreciate them thinking of us as a repository home for their donations. Some of our newer collections are listed below, but please... Continue reading “Special Collections & Archives: New Collections (Summer 2021)”

Special Collections & Archives Summer 2021 Reopening

Special Collections & Archives (ZSR Library Room 625) is pleased to announce our plans to reopen to the public on June 1, 2021 through August 12, 2021, with the following requirements: Appointments are required. Fill out this request form to schedule an appointment. Walk-in researchers will not be admitted. Masks are required. Cleaning station and... Continue reading “Special Collections & Archives Summer 2021 Reopening”

What Are You Working On? with Justin Cabiltes

SCA students assistants wrote end-of-year “What Are You working On?” blog posts that we will share over the Summer months. First up is Junior Justin Cabiltes. Greetings! My name is Justin Cabiltes and I am currently a Junior majoring in Economics. I have been an assistant in Special Collections and Archives since my sophomore year.... Continue reading “What Are You Working On? with Justin Cabiltes”

Talking “Pandemic Perseverance: Art, Memory, and Mindfulness”

I was recently asked by members of the Charlotte-area Metrolina Library Association to participate in a panel titled “Pandemic Perseverance: Art, Memory, and Mindfulness.” I talked about starting and continuing work on Special Collections and Archives’ Deacon Experiences during COVID-19 collection, which we started collecting online last April. The two other panelists were Leslie Strauss,... Continue reading “Talking “Pandemic Perseverance: Art, Memory, and Mindfulness””

Irish Authors and Irish Printers at Wake Forest

View recording here Title: Irish Authors and Irish Printers at Wake Forest Presenters: Megan Mulder, Special Collections Librarian; and Dr. Jefferson Holdridge, Professor of English Literature and Director of the Wake Forest University Press Did you know that Wake Forest is a center for Irish studies in the United States? ZSR Library holds the archives... Continue reading “Irish Authors and Irish Printers at Wake Forest”