Special Collections & Archives

News and more from ZSR’s Special Collections & Archives

Spring 2019 Book Repair Workshops

On April 24th at Archdale Public Library and April 25th at Sheppard Memorial Library in Greenville , I taught back-to-back book repair workshops. These workshops are sponsored by the North Carolina State Library and are funded using LSTA Grant funding. The participants are primarily from public libraries and are eager for any knowledge they can... Continue reading “Spring 2019 Book Repair Workshops”

Triad History Day and the Garden Party to Honor Dr. Maya Angelou

Busy Weekend for Special Collections & Archives! This past weekend, Special Collections & Archives participated in two different outreach events around the Triad. We started the weekend on Saturday in Greensboro at the Greensboro History Center, and finished up on Sunday in Winston at Bailey Park. For those who didn’t make it out to the... Continue reading “Triad History Day and the Garden Party to Honor Dr. Maya Angelou”

Anna Hathcock Reports Her Experience Working in the Preservation Lab

Anna Hathcock Preservation Students Write about the Training and Experiences I asked my student assistants to write about their training experiences in Preservation. I have asked each one to write a short paragraph about their work experience. These students do great work and learn through experience the basic principles and best practices of Preservation and... Continue reading “Anna Hathcock Reports Her Experience Working in the Preservation Lab”

What Are You Working On: A Graduate Student Spring Breaks at WFU

Special Collections and Archives was pleased to host a graduate student from University of North Carolina at Greensboro over their spring break, something we’ve been able to do the past few years. This year, Damiana Fortenberry worked with Public Services Archivist Rebecca May and Preservation Library Craig Fansler across the week. Here’s more about her... Continue reading “What Are You Working On: A Graduate Student Spring Breaks at WFU”

The Role of Transparency in the Archives

In Special Collections & Archives (SCA), we are continually focused on the discovery process and providing better and streamlined access to our many collections and materials. In 2016, we decided to create a historical timeline for Wake Forest, capturing the events and individuals from our past. In the process of creating our Historical Timeline, we... Continue reading “The Role of Transparency in the Archives”

ZSR Staff Picks from the Digital Collections

We added a new section in our Digital Collections this month spotlighting unique items selected from our ZSR staff. Each month our new Staff Picks section will feature three handpicked items to showcase the array of materials within our Digital Collections. I had the pleasure of selecting our picks for the month of March. Dot... Continue reading “ZSR Staff Picks from the Digital Collections”

Paper Trails on the Silk Road

The Silk Road – the term coined in the 19th century for the network of Central Asian trade routes that flourished between roughly 200 B.C.E. and 1400 C.E. – today conjures up images of camel caravans carrying exotic luxury goods like silks, spices, porcelain, and perfumes. But the most important trade good on the Silk... Continue reading “Paper Trails on the Silk Road”

Highlights from the WFU Timeline

In 2017, I was tasked with creating a historical timeline of Wake Forest University for the ZSR Library Special Collections & Archives website. There are many published and unpublished sources of information about Wake Forest’s history. Special Collections & Archives’ goal was to make this information readily available online in a way that was easy... Continue reading “Highlights from the WFU Timeline”

Spring Events in Special Collections & Archives

Events Hop into History at Hoots Tuesday, March 12, 5-6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 9, 5-6:30 p.m. Join us at Hoots Beer Company for Hop into History! Chat with archivists from Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem State University, Reynolda House, and Forsyth County Public Library about the materials as you enjoy a drink. Alumni & Friends Hop... Continue reading “Spring Events in Special Collections & Archives”

Student Spotlight: Digitizing Eight Years of Old Gold & Black

Lawton Manning has worked in ZSR’s Digitization Lab since his freshman year. He has performed digitization and completed metadata on several projects, beginning with the University and N.C. Baptist Biographical Files Collection. He even remembers the name of the first person’s file that he digitized. “I remember the first file I worked on was that... Continue reading “Student Spotlight: Digitizing Eight Years of Old Gold & Black”