Special Collections & Archives

News and more from ZSR’s Special Collections & Archives

N.C. Archives Week!

It is Archives Week in North Carolina! This year’s theme, “Home Grown! A Celebration of NC Food Culture and History” provides a wonderful opportunity for institutions across the state to highlight materials in their archives as well as create local connections. Here at ZSR, our student Brittany put up a small exhibit in the entrance-way... Continue reading “N.C. Archives Week!”

Deconstructing Book Repair

Many books come into Preservation with a broken joint or torn internal hinge, which makes the repair needed easy to see. Sometimes, one might see the repairs of a prior bookbinder. This was the case when I began work on Comedies and Tragedies, by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, printed in 1647. Small tabs of... Continue reading “Deconstructing Book Repair”

Featured Collection: David Needham Gore Papers

This Featured Collection post was written by Paige Horton, student assistant in Special Collections and Archives. The David Needham Gore Papers (MS192) is a small, but worthwhile collection housed amongst hundreds of larger collections in Personal Collections & Manuscripts. We should all know by now not to judge a book by its cover or a... Continue reading “Featured Collection: David Needham Gore Papers”

What Are You Working On? With Katie Paige

Our student assistant Katie Paige has worked in Special Collections since she started at Wake Forest and her dedication is greatly appreciated. Today, Katie is working on pulling material for our collaborative digitization project “Religion in North Carolina.” Project partners include The Divinity School Library at Duke University and The North Carolina Collection at UNC-Chapel Hill. You can read... Continue reading “What Are You Working On? With Katie Paige”

Four New Finding Aids Published

Special Collections and Archives is pleased to announce the completion of four new finding aids! From the University Archives: President’s Office, Francis Pendleton Gaines Vertical Files (Printed Materials) Collection From Personal Collections and Manuscripts: Julius Carlyle Powell Papers William Bailey Royall Papers We will continue working hard to make our collection searchable online and to... Continue reading “Four New Finding Aids Published”

Death of a Naturalist, by Seamus Heaney (1966)

When poet Seamus Heaney died last month at age 74, obituaries hailed him as the greatest Irish poet since William Butler Yeats. The New York Times noted that Heaney, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1995, was renowned for work that powerfully evoked the beauty and blood that together have come to define... Continue reading “Death of a Naturalist, by Seamus Heaney (1966)”

Louis MacNeice in Special Collections

Wake Forest University Press has recently released the American edition of Louis MacNeice‘s Collected Poems.  MacNeice’s poetry is experiencing something a renaissance, after spending several decades in the shadow of  W. H. Auden. As New York Times poetry critic David Orr observed in his review of this new collected edition, [MacNeice’s] reputation has been steadily... Continue reading “Louis MacNeice in Special Collections”

Clotelle, by William Wells Brown (1867)

When William Wells Brown’s Clotel; or, The President’s Daughter appeared in London in 1853, it was the first novel ever published by an African American author. Brown’s novel was reissued four times over the next fifteen years, and with each edition the author made changes to the characters and the narrative. ZSR Special Collections recently... Continue reading “Clotelle, by William Wells Brown (1867)”

The Evelyn P. “Pat” Foote Papers Finding Aid is Now Complete!

Special Collections and Archives is pleased to announce that the processing of the Evelyn “Pat” Foote Collection finding aid is complete! Many thanks to Ashley Jefferson for processing the newest accessions to this collection. Wake Forest Magazine recently ran a story about Brigadier General Foote. This is a highly valuable collection for researchers and certainly... Continue reading “The Evelyn P. “Pat” Foote Papers Finding Aid is Now Complete!”

Digitized Reel to Reels Now Available Online!

Special Collections and Archives is very excited to announce the completion of another digital project The University Archives Audio Recordings Reel to Reel Collection. You may remember some previous posts where we mentioned working on this collection. The new online digital collection is just a small selection of the larger reel to reel holdings within... Continue reading “Digitized Reel to Reels Now Available Online!”