For the past four years, Special Collections & Archives has had the great good fortune to work closely with the Z. Smith Reynolds Library Development Officer, Mika Payden-Travers. Mika was and is a superstar when it comes to connecting donors with their donation dreams, and helped SCA collaborate with them to achieve their vision. Thanks... Continue reading “Farewell to Mika Payden-Travers from Special Collections & Archives, but Not Good-bye!” ›
Special Collections & Archives hosted our first in-person (and livestreamed) event in two years earlier this week. Mary Tribble spoke about her ancestor Sarah “Sally” Wait, in her talk From Her Hand: Sally Merriam Wait’s Mission South. Mary recently published Pious Ambitions: Sally Merriam Wait’s Mission South, 1813-1831, based in large part on the manuscripts... Continue reading “Recent Presentation by Mary Tribble: From Her Hand: Sally Merriam Wait’s Mission South” ›
February is Black History Month, but every day during the year is a good time to remind researchers and visitors that Special Collections & Archives has many resources that might help in learning more about the Black experience here at Wake Forest and beyond. We have compiled many subject guides on a variety of topics,... Continue reading “Archival Resources for Black History Month” ›
Special Collections & Archives is saddened by the announcement about the loss of Wake Forest Counseling Professor, Dr. Sam Gladding, one of our greatest supporters. We had the opportunity in the fall of 2020 to host Sam speaking about his most recent book, Off the Courthouse Square. He was a prolific author and his publications... Continue reading “Dr. Sam Gladding: An Inspiration” ›
By Tanya Zanish-Belcher and Mika Payden-Travers Last December, we were proud to host Dr. Edwin G. Wilson as he spoke about his new book Songs of Wake Forest. Over 1,000 Deacs joined us for the celebration, often sharing their fond memories on the chat. To date, nearly 5,000 people have watched the program online. The... Continue reading “Songs for Wake Forest: Update” ›
October is Queer History Month! October is also American Archives Month! Special Collections & Archives would like to draw your attention to all of the programming that the LGBTQ+ Center is hosting for Queer History Month in addition to their year round work. Special Collections & Archives works to preserve the archives and source materials... Continue reading “October is Queer History Month!” ›