This article is more than 5 years old.

NCLA in hickory!

Heather and I are sitting in the main conference room of the Hickory Convention Center, getting ready to listen to the kick-off session. Here are my notes:

  • First time since 1953 to meet west of US-77!
  • Theme: “Telling our story”
  • Several awards, names, involved people, were named.
  • North Carolina Poet Laureate Katherine Stripling Byer
    • Read a poem about her library
  • David Holt grammy winner
    • Played music
    • Told stories
    • Pointed out it’s important for the library to collect others’ stories as well as our own
    • Collecting strong images about ourselves can be powerful outreach
    • Strong images, something that happens: these types of stories move people
  • Fun and entertaining opening to the conference!