This article is more than 5 years old.

On Wednesday, August 29, members of the ZSR Disaster Committee gathered in the Tech Services Conference Room for a telecast workshop from Solinet. Hurricane Preparedness is something I’ve been interested in because North Carolina is in “Hurricane Alley”. Scott Adair, Leslie McCall, Mary Lib Slate and Craig Fansler attended the 2-hour session. The leader of the telecast was Sharon Bennett, an archivist from the Charleston Museum. We covered the importance of training and education for the staff, and the key elements necessary to have in your Disaster Plan. I’m happy to say that ZSR is current with the information Ms. Bennett suggested. She suggested having copies of the Disaster Plan off-site, and when I checked with Lynn, she already had a copy at home. I also promptly took a copy of our plan home. This telecast has 3 sessions, and we have homework! Scott and I are planning on performing a building survey with photographs this week.