By Craig Fansler

Inside ZSR

Making – Creating Preservation Enclosures

We all try to describe the work we do to others. Many times, it is an abstraction to the listener, who must ask additional questions to understand. Helping others understand our work can be tricky. For the past three years, my work has really focused strongly on enclosures (archival boxes, pamphlet binders, Colibri dust jackets,... more

Student Assistants as Reverse Mentors

I am returning to our theme for Mentoring Month – unexpected and reinvigorating mentoring experiences. I have had the privilege of having Student Assistants in ZSR Library for almost 30 years. These experiences with these students left me dumbfounded, amazed and awed by these incredible individuals. Is this mentoring from the bottom up? I’ll share... more

2023 Guild of Book Workers Standards of Excellence Seminar

I was fortunate to attend the 2023 Standards of Excellence Seminar (referred to as Standards) in San Francisco. This meeting draws upon book binders, conservators, artists, and others who work in this general area. It is a unique opportunity to meet, and hear from these individuals and learn from the demonstrations that are presented. I... more

Bibliotech Bookbinding Workshop with Karen Hanmer

Biblio Tech Binding Workshop From April 5 to June 21, each Tuesday night from 6-8:30 pm, I attended an online workshop with Karen Hanmer. Karen possesses the knowledge of how books are constructed from the beginning to the present. She is a wonderful teacher. The workshop, entitled Biblio Tech, is geared toward making historical and... more

Bookbinding Fundamentals Workshop

Four Tuesday nights in February, I spent a couple of hours in an online workshop called, Binding Fundamentals, taught by Karen Hanmer. I’d met Karen at Guild of Book Workers Seminars and knew of her work and teaching. She is an excellent teacher and has a great set up for online teaching. A week before... more

An Interview with Dolmen Press artist, Leslie MacWeeney

Photograph of Leslie MacWeeney by Alen MacWeeney In April of 2020, I was able to locate and interview Dolmen Press artist, Leslie MacWeeney. Just finding Leslie and being able to interview her was a thrill. I did a blog post in Irish Ink about her in 2016. However, it’s one thing to read about someone... more

Recent Preservation Enclosures from Home

Almost always, the object itself requires me to customize the enclosure I make for it. The size, shape, fragility or potential use all come into play. This post highlights a few recent enclosures I’ve made and are still working on……………….from home. The size and shape definitely were considered for this football, generously donated by Jodi... more

Home Sweet Home Preservation Lab

It’s March, 2020, and I’m home. When can I safely go back to work again? This question reverberated in my brain, and I’m sure the brains of all of my colleagues at ZSR Library. Slowly, I began to wonder how and if I could do my work, which is primarily, hand work. As this idea... more

Preserving Muscle Memory During Quarantine

How does one, who primarily performs hand work in their job, keep their fingers nimble during a quarantine? For me it was taking a series of 10 book making workshops. The workshops were taught remotely through the Book Arts Program at the Marriott Library at the University of Utah. The university has had a Book... more

Spring Book Repair Workshops: Preservation on the Road

Ah, Spring Break! Time to………….teach workshops! I had the pleasure of teaching two book repair workshops in collaboration with the State Library of North Carolina (NCDNCR) On Monday, March 9th, I taught a workshop at the Public Library of Johnston County and Smithfield in Smithfield, NC. The attendees were from public libraries in the surrounding... more