Inside ZSR

Jeff at ALA Annual 2018

This post is on the late side, but there are good-ish reasons for that. I vacationed! Then I was sick! Yet I am embarrassed about my tardiness. Having a family and a body are insufficient excuses for professional negligence. I lived in New Orleans for seven years prior to joining the team at ZSR, so... more

Jeff at ALA Annual 2017

Who doesn’t like Chicago? Everyone likes Chicago. In order to not like Chicago, you have to not like cities. Which is valid. I like Chicago, inasmuch as I like cities. I have family in Chicago. During an epic Greek meal on Sunday night I learned that one of my favorite cousins is pregnant. I am... more

Jeff at ALA Midwinter 2017

For the 2017 Midwinter conference in Atlanta I made the strange decision to pack the back seat of my car with a 2-year-old and a 2-month-old, seated beside one another, facing in opposite directions but unanimous in their displeasure. My wife was better-behaved. Nevertheless the arrangement proved untenable and I ditched them somewhere outside Alpharetta, where... more

Lauren at ALA Annual 2016 in Orlando

Productivity with vendors (book and ILS), committee obligations, and future of cataloging were the three main themes for me in Orlando. Meetings by chance also played a key role in making this an above average conference for me. I caught up with our Casalini sales rep on how to implement a more Gobi-like version of... more

Charleston Conference 2015 (Lauren)

Contents: Alma from Ex Libris, take care in using downloads as a measure part 2, EPUB 3, NISO ODI (do we need to tweak Summon?), DPLA working on e-books, the Charlotte Initiative, Overdrive, ORCID, and the rising cost of e-book short-term loans with a DDA program part 2 My focus was networking to hear nitty... more

ALA 2015

In case I’d been longing for parades (turns out I had), a confluence of well-known events made the 2015 ALA Annual Conference the perfect place to be. How do New Orleans and San Francisco parades compare, you ask? San Francisco parades involve less alcohol; more illegal-smelling smoke; smaller floats; fewer thrown objects; and more daytime... more

Charleston Conference 2014

Contents: 1. short tidbits (e.g. Alma from Ex Libris, “screen reading” effects, take care in using downloads as a measure, shared print storage) and 2. the rising cost of e-book short-term loans with a DDA program 1. the short bits Alma – was the commercial ILS that I heard mentioned repeatedly, often in the context... more

Lauren C. at ALA Annual 2013, Chicago

I spent a lot of time talking to vendors about e-books and library systems; saw a cool DVD dispenser by PIKinc.; went to a discussion group on offsite storage; and heard The Myth and the Reality of the Evolving Patron: The RUSA President’s Program with Lee Rainie (Director of the Pew Research Center’s Internet &... more

Update on Kuali OLE

I decided to devote a post to the OLE project given our interest in the direction of OLE in the coming year. Tim McGeary gave an update on the status of OLE – the project is currently in a build phase with nearly $5Million in funding from various sources. Coding started in early February, working... more

Library 2.0 at UNCG (Lauren’s report)

For those who have been following the evolution of Library 2.0, a lot of this will be familiar… so I am just going to include links to most of what was covered: Tim Bucknall highlighted the OCLC findings Patrons want self-sufficiency, satisfaction, and seamlessness Danny Nanez highlighted Michael Habib’s Academic Library 2.0 Discussed Blackboard, pathfinders,... more