This article is more than 5 years old.

Yesterday was a day of ups and downs:

  • One of the planes took a sharp decent way before we were near the airport. Luckily, the pilots were there. They came on the intercom and announced the autopilot caused the descent, so they took over to correct it.
  • We left the airport terminal only to see the buses to our downtown location pull away. Luckily, another bus came way ahead of schedule, and it was a quick, easy, and inexpensive ($1.25!!!) ride to our hotel!
  • Due to the crazy schedule of the day, I hadn’t eaten by the time we checked into the Moore Hotel, around 7:30pm Seattle time. Luckily, the super friendly vegan manager had lots of restaurants to recommend and I had the largest meal of tofu fajitas I’ve ever eaten.

Hopefully today will be a little more calm and steady. Now, I’m just waiting for registration to open so that I can get to my first meeting at 8:00am. I’ll report in as I finish up with events!