This article is more than 5 years old.

What is National Library Workers Day? I confess that until this year, I was a little sketchy on this ‘holiday’. NLWD, according to ALA is “a day for library staff, users, administrators and Friends groups to recognize the valuable contributions made by all library workers.” NLWD was held April 15 this year in the middle of National Library Week. ZSR’s staff were honored by a breakfast in the Staff Lounge provided by Lynn and Wanda which gave everyone a good start to the day and a little fellowship at the same time. Each ZSR team was honored publicly by a banner and a star for each team with a team photo. Wanda and Lynn suggested that I submit photos of our NLWD event to ALA, which I did. On May 13, ZSR’s contribution to NLWD was recognized in Library Worklife, an ALA newsletter published for the advancement of library employees. Photos of our ‘Team Stars’ and banner were published along with a brief description of our NLWD event. It is great to be recognized in a national forum. We do so many good things at ZSR, most of which are all in a day’s work. ZSR is a great place to work filled with really good people. I look forward to next year’s NLWD celebration.

Craig Fansler