This article is more than 5 years old.

Robin L. Ewing and Melissa Prescott from St. Cloud State

Web 2.0 Definition (won’t regurgitate this – the basics – Social networking, bookmarking, tagging, communicating, RSS, etc.)

Web 2.0 Surveys 2007

Teens and Social Media from Pew Internet and American Life

Creating and Connecting from National School Board survey

  • 64% online teens have created Web 2.0 content
  • Approx. 30% of online students have their own blogs
  • 22% have uploaded videos they have created

Their own Web 2.0 Awareness Survey

74 students

Awarness of Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Blogs, Podcasts, Social tagging, Wikipedia, Other Wikis, RSS

  • RSS had not heard of 92%, 0% had ever used
  • Social Bookmarking 68% had not heard of
  • Other Wikis 45% had not heard of
  • Podcasts 51% had heard of but had not used
  • 5% had blogs
  • 8% had uploaded videos

Audience discussed how their students compare – similar experiences — students are not seeing new technologies as ‘exciting’ the way librarians do….for them it’s like a new feature on a car — or a refrigerator…..

Librarians respond to Web 2.0 — we see it as a way to connect, market, facilitate — but do students want us there?

Wanted to use credit courses to introduce Web 2.0 concepts and applications, identify tools to discuss with them but not have them create the content or evaluate

Devoted the last 5 minutes of each class to Web 2.0 technology – overview and example — used PPT presentations, or Social Bookmarking YouTube videos (In Plain English series)….. sometimes also did in-class exercises

Virtual Library Tour

  • Had students take the pictures (check out the cameras from Circ) …..upload to Flickr….. tag….
  • Set up a Flicker account for the class
  • Assigned them to groups
  • Gave each a camera
  • Instructor uploaded them to Flickr
  • Tagging happened later in the semester
  • Now they do a short tour – students upload the pcitures – students add tags and notes —
  • Practice tagging with Google Image Labeler

Social Bookmarking

PPT – definition, video — in class they signed up for account and tagged some sites


Online article — Online May/June 31-31 — Bennington, Adam. 2007. Stick it in your ear: Keeping current with Podcases

Had them listen to a podcast and then evaluated it in class….

Next Steps

Connect Web 2.0 Resources to student research

  • Blogs as research logs
  • Wikipedia article creation
  • 23 Things idea….
  • Short readings ‘7ThingsYour Should Know about…..” from EDUCAUSE outside of class and come into class ready to discuss

Implications for IL Instruction

Evaluation of Information from Web 2.0 Sources needs to be considered – not easy to get a checklist format for this.

This was a great session because it confirmed my hunch that students don’t use Web 2.0 the way librarians use it. But that doesn’t mean it’s not relevant to their research in certain circumstances. I really love the idea of having the students take pictures of the library and then use the concept of tagging to introduce the concept of controlled vocabularies. I also got some other good ideas about how to approach the topics with students by starting with things we know they do (read their updates in Facebook) and applying that to other Web 2.0 technologies (RSS Feeds).