Strategic Goals FY16, FY17, & FY18
ZSR FY18 Goals (progress as of March 1, 2018)
These goals were created at our August 2017 Administrative retreat following a visioning session lead by Provost Kersh. Team goals were created to support the library-wide goals.
- Advance Diversity and Inclusion initiatives
- Action item: Support for Diversity & Inclusion initiatives focused on holding an all-staff retreat (likely in January before classes start). Program would present sessions on developing cultural competency which also supports the campus QEP and competencies for serving disabled students. Done
- Explore the idea of bringing a D&I intern to campus for the summer. Position posted
- Create a new “Friends of ZSR” giving club
- We would use unrestricted gift funds (Annual fund) to hire a half-time position to manage the Friends as well as assist with Library publications and events. Postponed until Development position is filled
- Successfully launch the Digital Scholarship Collaboration Suite and TLC on Wilson 6 Done
- Determine how to assess DISC program
- Establish collaborative partnership with TLC on Wilson 6
- Work with IS to evaluate and adopt necessary technology infrastructure for DS
- Recruit Digital Curation Librarian Done
- Hire and onboard the new Digital Scholarship Developer Done
- Open the Scholars Commons on Reynolds 4 Done; donor celebration held Oct. 27th
- Repurpose additional graduate study carrels to be individual study carrels on level 4 and remainder of 5.
- Set up public workstations in Scholars Commons Done
- Plan and secure funding for expanded offsite storage to create more space onsite for student and faculty services Approved at February BOT meeting
- Identify candidates from B-E, N to accession in offsite storage to fill by Spring, 2018 (69,183 identified items in call letters B-E + N with 0 circ, purchased before 2008)
- Gov Docs identified as MUVZable
- Special Collections identifies 300 boxes to move to Offsite
- Hire and train a new employee in the Document Delivery/Scanning position. Done
- Partner with the Carpenter Library (Medical Center) to explore consolidation of some library services and potential for shared presence at Wake Downtown ongoing
- Advertise and fill the STEM Librarian position for Wake Downtown by late Summer 2018 have requested funding
- Have our best fundraising year ever, topping FY17
- $150,000 cash gifts (Wake Forest Fund)
- $550,000 ZSR Renewed cash commitments
- $1.5 million in commitments
- $10,000 Special Collections Done
- Two Council of Advocates meetings Fall meeting held
- Five regional events 3 completed
ZSR FY17 Goals
These goals were selected from the top goals presented by each of the team directors at the August 26, 2016 Administrative Retreat. Goals are listed in priority order.
- Advocate and secure funding for the expansion of offsite storage. Most of the ZSR renovations are dependent on this expansion. (Highest priority coming out of the retreat). Not funded in FY18 budget; top priority for FY19 budget
- Shift library collections to start opening space on Wilson 6 for public programming; will require resources from Access Services, Resource Services and Tech Team in addition to using some vendor services for moving and catalog clean-up. (Second highest priority coming out of retreat discussions). Completed Spring 2017
- Plan Digital Scholarship Lab space on Wilson 6 – Completed, anticipate construction to be complete by late September or early October
- Shift collections to increase findability and empty spaces for other purposes. (Affects Wilson 1 and Wilson 6, Reynolds 1- 2 and Reynolds 7-8) (All year) Completed
- Address Public Printing issues. Work with vendors and partners across campus to identify and promote new printing solutions to students. (Fall) Done
- Establish a regular cycle of UX (user experience) review for web services this Fall. It should be noted that the charge of the new UX committee includes design issues outside of technology. Committee formed and work started.
- Conduct an accessibility audit for ZSR web services (Winter) Audit completed for several specific accessibility problems; a second iteration of this process planned for this year.
- Support plan from SCA to continue original and complex copy cataloging for SCA materials.
- Resources Services support for Archivists Toolkit export to MARC subject heading work In progress; workflow established; manuscript collections such as the Henry Nathan Blanchard and Charles Jefferson Black papers have been given LC subject headings.
- Update the Renovation Master Plan for ZSR and plan the next phase of projects. Master plan completed but cost of renovation has moved this plan to a campus-level priority discussion.
- Note: Fundraising goals were considered something that will be done regardless and not part of the prioritization exercise. FY17 was ZSR’s best ever year for fundraising: $547k in cash donations; nearly $1.8M in commitments.
- We also continued to request support for migrating our ILS and for a new STEM Librarian position in FY17 Both not funded
ZSR FY16 Goals
These goals were created at the first Administrative retreat with Dean Tim Pyatt, three weeks after he started work at ZSR. Each team also created operational goals that may not be reflected in the library-wide goals set at the retreat.
- Strategize about library presence and need in the Innovation Quarter planning process
- Propose an engineering collections budget and a new STEM (Engineering) Librarian Done
- Access options for replacing our aging Integrated Library System (ILS) operated jointly with Carpenter and Professional Center Libraries
- Form a joint libraries task force to review options and make recommendations Done
- Continue planning the future of cataloging – improvements, long view is more convergence with SCA in practices, informs needs with new ILS/library service platform
- Strategize and brainstorm for ZSR Renovation
- Hire a library renovation consultant to lead a planning retreat Done
- Re-engage with Perkins+Will Done
- Re-energize the ZSR Capital Campaign
- In collaboration with Advancement, hire a new assistant director for development and implement a new structure for library fundraising Done
- Update fundraising collateral; Increase engagement with the Council of Advocates Done