Digitization of Unique Materials
As digital technologies and the Internet have made scholarly content more widely available in electronic formats, the need for academic libraries to exist primarily as print repositories is disappearing. The value that our library can bring to our community and beyond lies partially in our ability to make Wake Forest’s unique resources (within and external to the library) digitally accessible.
Since 2000, the library has undertaken projects to digitize library materials on an ad hoc basis – through grant funding and as internal resources have been made available. Less has been done in digitization of University materials external to the Library’s Special Collections and Archives. A few projects have been undertaken and presented in the Library’s digital repository, WakeSpace. However, there has not been a substantial and sustained effort to collect and digitize collections from other divisions on campus.
In order to effectively maximize the digitization services we already offer, and to better position ourselves among peer institutions in the field, we will undertake the following action items:
Action Items & Timeframes
- Hire a Digital Initiatives Librarian to develop, coordinate, and guide a formal digitization program (Summer/Fall 2012) Completed
- Enhance the Library’s web presence to highlight current and new digitization services (Fall 2012) Completed
- Conduct an in-depth audit of digitization capabilities and achievements to date (Winter 2013) Completed
- Strategically re-vision WakeSpace, including current content as well as future areas of growth such as GIS, research data, video, student work, etc. (Spring-Summer 2013) Completed
- Collaborate with WFU Digital Publishing to identify, create, digitize, and digitally publish University-created content (2012-14) Ongoing