
The Library has been successful in the past few years in telling its story in a way that reaches out to current and potential audiences including students, parents, alumni, faculty, and donors. In this strategic priority we will enhance these efforts to leverage more visibility and position us more strategically for the Wake Forest capital campaign.

Action Items & Timeframes

  • Create an outreach website that encompasses ZSR fundraising, news and events, promotional articles, and video (Summer-Fall 2012) Completed
  • Incorporate video storytelling into outreach. For external audiences, coordinate with University Advancement (2012-14) Completed
  • Highlight the importance of the Senior Showcase program by establishing a named monetary award for each student recognized. Until endowed funding is established, fund from the ZSR Friends of the Library account (Spring 2013) Completed (internal funding)
  • Collaborate with other University units to reach alumni, parents, students and families through planned social events (2012-14) Ongoing
  • Make the ZSR brand more consistent and comprehensive in style and presentation (2012-14) Ongoing