Special Collections & Archives

News and more from ZSR’s Special Collections & Archives

Comacina: Improvisations and Variations, An Exhibit by Paul Bright with Opening Reception and Talk

Comacina: Improvisations and Variations, an exhibit by Paul Bright January 19, 2021 – July 30, 2021 ZSR Library Special Collections & Archives (Room 625) Curated by Paul Bright This exhibition centers on artist Paul Bright’s residence on the island of Comacina in the summer of 2018, which resulted in an artist’s book, [im]provvisorio. Beginning Jan. 19;... Continue reading “Comacina: Improvisations and Variations, An Exhibit by Paul Bright with Opening Reception and Talk”

Wake Forest Board of Trustees Minutes (1834-1891) Are Now Available Online!

Special Collections & Archives (SCA) is pleased to announce that Wake Forest’s Board of Trustees Minutes, 1834-1891 (2 volumes, 1834-1871 and 1871-1891), are now available online and ready for research use by students, faculty, staff, and the broader public. Thanks to generous funding from the Z. Smith Reynolds Library and Dean Tim Pyatt, the fragile... Continue reading “Wake Forest Board of Trustees Minutes (1834-1891) Are Now Available Online!”

Special Collections & Archives Resources for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Over the years, we have written a few blog posts about the speech Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. made in Wait Chapel on October 11, 1962 (see here, here, and here). This is a proud moment in Wake Forest’s history and we enjoy having patrons request to listen to the audio recording. In addition to... Continue reading “Special Collections & Archives Resources for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day”

Songs of Wake Forest with Dr. Edwin Graves Wilson

Songs of Wake Forest with Dr. Edwin Graves Wilson Friday, December 11 at 3:30 pm – YouTube premier ZSR Library Special Collections and Archives is celebrating Songs of Wake Forest, the latest book by Dr. Edwin G. Wilson. Ed Wilson’s relationship with Wake Forest, which began when he entered the College as a freshman in... Continue reading “Songs of Wake Forest with Dr. Edwin Graves Wilson”

Wake Forest College and The Spanish Flu

This blog post was written by SCA student employee Katie Lawrence. This year looks very different than we’re used to in the Forest. Most classes are online, masks are required, and the campus feels different than it has in the past. COVID-19 has turned this semester upside down, but Wake students have persisted in the... Continue reading “Wake Forest College and The Spanish Flu”

Reminder: Register for Dr. Sam Gladding’s Presention, November 10, 2020

Join us for our third Special Collections & Archives fall program: Off the Courthouse Square: A Memoir of My Life Up to Age 21 with Dr. Sam Gladding Tuesday, November 10 at 5:30 p.m. ET (Registration required) Join ZSR Special Collections and Archives, in partnership with Bookmarks, Winston-Salem’s independent bookstore and non-profit literary society, where... Continue reading “Reminder: Register for Dr. Sam Gladding’s Presention, November 10, 2020”

Women’s Suffrage Anniversary and Subject Guide

Written by SCA student employee Katie Lawrence. August 26th, 2020 marked the centennial anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, awarding women the right to vote after a decades-long battle. This amendment represents a breakthrough for the women of America, who had been attempting to assert their right to equality... Continue reading “Women’s Suffrage Anniversary and Subject Guide”

Off the Courthouse Square with Dr. Sam Gladding

Off the Courthouse Square with Dr. Sam Gladding – ZSR Special Collections & Archives Tuesday, November 10 at 5:30 p.m. ET (Registration required) Join ZSR Special Collections and Archives, in partnership with Bookmarks, Winston-Salem’s independent bookstore and non-profit, where we will hear from Counseling Professor Sam Gladding, a prolific author of numerous books (including Becoming... Continue reading “Off the Courthouse Square with Dr. Sam Gladding”

Reminder: Register for Megan’s SCA Presentation Next Week!

Join us for the second Special Collections & Archives fall program: ZSR Library’s Rare Book Collection with Curator Megan Mulder on October 13, 5:30 PM EDT. Please sign up using the link below. Registration Link: https://registration.secure.wfu.edu/zsr-special-collections-introduction-to-rare-books-0007352 Did you know that Wake Forest has: A manuscript book made for French university students around 1240 CE? Original... Continue reading “Reminder: Register for Megan’s SCA Presentation Next Week!”

Be Kind, Please Rewind: University Athletics A/V Materials

Before stay-at-home orders were issued, special collections and archives received a large donation of materials from the University Athletics Department. The donation itself was no surprise, however, it came roughly one month before the campus had to be cleared of all non-essential personnel due to COVID-19 safety measures. Before the actual drop-off SCA was expecting... Continue reading “Be Kind, Please Rewind: University Athletics A/V Materials”