Please join us June 27 at 4:00 PM ET as discuss Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower. Published in 1993 and set in California in the 2020s, Parable of the Sower explores social instability caused by climate change, extreme income inequality, ongoing racial conflict, and low social trust. When a young woman’s community collapses, she undertakes... Continue reading “ZSR Board of Visitors Summer Book Club” ›
In December 2020, Special Collections & Archives was proud to host Dr. Edwin G. Wilson as he spoke about his new book Songs of Wake Forest. Over 1,000 Deacs joined us for the celebration, often sharing their fond memories on the chat. To date, nearly 5,000 people have watched the program online. The overwhelming response... Continue reading “Songs for Dr. Ed Wilson” ›
Another busy school year is in the rear view! Special Collections and Archives has two seniors graduating who have been great colleagues to us – congratulations, Dalton and Justin! All of the students who work with collections have contributed to making our materials more accessible, whether helping write finding aids with detailed collection inventories or... Continue reading “Newly Processed and Recently Updated Collections, 2021-2022” ›
ZSR is pleased to announce that we now provide online, full-text, institutional access to The Financial Times via The Financial Times’ provides authoritative news and analysis on global business, finance and politics, from over 600 journalists around the world. Follow the instructions below to set up your account. Users must create an account in order to... Continue reading “WFU-Wide Access to The Financial Times Is Now Available” ›
For the past four years, Special Collections & Archives has had the great good fortune to work closely with the Z. Smith Reynolds Library Development Officer, Mika Payden-Travers. Mika was and is a superstar when it comes to connecting donors with their donation dreams, and helped SCA collaborate with them to achieve their vision. Thanks... Continue reading “Farewell to Mika Payden-Travers from Special Collections & Archives, but Not Good-bye!” ›
Special Collections & Archives recently welcomed Alayna Veasey, Collections Assistant, who joined us during the first week of January. Alayna is based in SCA with responsibilities for reshelving and shifting our collections, picking up donations from donors, and transferring SCA materials back and forth from the ZSR Off-Site Facility. Alayna also has responsibilities at Off-Site... Continue reading “Welcome to Alayna Veasey, SCA Collections Assistant” ›
Welcome back to another installment of 5 Questions! If you would like to choose 5 Questions yourself, feel free to choose 5 from this form. Rodrigo Castro Director of Library Services Tell us about what you do at ZSR Library? As Director of Public Services, I am part of a team that provides face-to-face services... Continue reading “5+ Questions with Rodrigo Castro” ›
In 2012 Penelope “Penny” Niven (1939-2014) published her fourth and final biography titled “Thornton Wilder: a life”. She began working on the 848-page account as early as 1997 when she pursued a fellowship at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University. However, one could say that the process started years, decades really,... Continue reading “Exploring [some of] the Penny Niven Papers” ›
ZSR Library’s Digital Initiatives & Scholarly Communication team invites Wake Forest faculty to join us for the 2022 DH@Wake Summer Institute: Digital Publishing. Our 3-day workshop will explore opportunities and resources for digital publishing in teaching and research activities. The Summer Institute will be held in-person (unless public health conditions require moving online) at ZSR... Continue reading “Call for Applications: DH@Wake Summer Institute: Digital Publishing – May 2022” ›