This article is more than 5 years old.

Valerie Glenn discussed Web Harvesting– the automated capture of web materials. As part of her project, Cyber Cemetery , she attempts to capture materials in danger of disappearing- basically defunct government web sites. Glenn uses a web harvesting tool called “Heritrix” . A site that defines the issues in web harvesting is Web-at-Risk wiki.

Mary Ide, Director of WGBH-Boston Public Television Archives, discussed the difficulties of preserving both analog and digital film and video for Public Television in a digital format.

Richard Rinehart, Digital Media Director, UC Berkeley Art Museum, discussed their attempt to preserve art that is ephemeral-or temporary- digitally to keep it alive.. They have created a description of digital art that will be usable across various platforms. This project, called “Archivng the Avant Garde” attempts to preserve digital art.