During March 2019

Here @ ZSR

What Are You Working On: A Graduate Student Spring Breaks at WFU

Special Collections and Archives was pleased to host a graduate student from University of North Carolina at Greensboro over their spring break, something we’ve been able to do the past few years. This year, Damiana Fortenberry worked with Public Services Archivist Rebecca May and Preservation Library Craig Fansler across the week. Here’s more about her... Continue reading “What Are You Working On: A Graduate Student Spring Breaks at WFU”

Performing the Archive: Omeka and AWS

The Lynn Book project is a multi-year collaboration that aims to digitize artifacts from four decades of live performances and make them freely available via Omeka, a web-publishing platform designed for media-rich online exhibits. In its current iteration, the site serves as a digital archive, and plans for future development include the potential for audiences... Continue reading “Performing the Archive: Omeka and AWS”

ZSR Improved! New Workstations and Self-Checkout

Over Spring Break, ZSR made a few incremental yet significant changes to better serve the students who will be using our spaces between now and the end of the semester. New Workstations On the 7th floor of the Reynolds wing, we installed 12 individual workstations, each with their own outlet! The new spaces have already... Continue reading “ZSR Improved! New Workstations and Self-Checkout”

The Role of Transparency in the Archives

In Special Collections & Archives (SCA), we are continually focused on the discovery process and providing better and streamlined access to our many collections and materials. In 2016, we decided to create a historical timeline for Wake Forest, capturing the events and individuals from our past. In the process of creating our Historical Timeline, we... Continue reading “The Role of Transparency in the Archives”

Archiving Performance and Performing the Archive

Since 2017, members of ZSR’s Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communications (DISC) and Technical Services teams have been collaborating with Lynn Book (Department of Theatre and Dance) to build a digital showcase of Book’s past performances. We are excited to announce the launch of the project’s first phase, Gorgeous Fever, a piece originally performed throughout the... Continue reading “Archiving Performance and Performing the Archive”

WFU Graduate Student Thesis Boot Camp Spring 2019 “Shut Up and Write” Sessions

On Monday and Tuesday, March 11 and 12, the ZSR Library hosted our second annual Graduate Student Thesis Boot Camp “Shut Up and Write” Sessions! Twenty-seven graduates students participated in either one or both days of the event. Coffee and tea were available on-demand from 9a-4p, and box lunches were served to all who attended! We... Continue reading “WFU Graduate Student Thesis Boot Camp Spring 2019 “Shut Up and Write” Sessions”

ZSR Staff Picks from the Digital Collections

We added a new section in our Digital Collections this month spotlighting unique items selected from our ZSR staff. Each month our new Staff Picks section will feature three handpicked items to showcase the array of materials within our Digital Collections. I had the pleasure of selecting our picks for the month of March. Dot... Continue reading “ZSR Staff Picks from the Digital Collections”

Paper Trails on the Silk Road

The Silk Road – the term coined in the 19th century for the network of Central Asian trade routes that flourished between roughly 200 B.C.E. and 1400 C.E. – today conjures up images of camel caravans carrying exotic luxury goods like silks, spices, porcelain, and perfumes. But the most important trade good on the Silk... Continue reading “Paper Trails on the Silk Road”

Highlights from the WFU Timeline

In 2017, I was tasked with creating a historical timeline of Wake Forest University for the ZSR Library Special Collections & Archives website. There are many published and unpublished sources of information about Wake Forest’s history. Special Collections & Archives’ goal was to make this information readily available online in a way that was easy... Continue reading “Highlights from the WFU Timeline”

From the Dean

The season of spring always brings to mind fresh starts, renewal, and opportunity. It is no different here at the Z. Smith Reynolds Library as we look forward to an exciting spring semester. For the first time in my tenure as dean, we will launch a multiyear plan for the library. The plan will focus... Continue reading “From the Dean”