Inside ZSR

Lauren Corbett at ALA Annual 2009, Chicago

Redesigning Technical Services Workflows, Saturday morning, July 11, 2009: Here are some brief highlights — please feel free to chat with me if you want to know more. Please note that these speakers are both from much larger libraries than ZSR. Arlene Klair, Adaptive Cataloging & Database Mgmt Group Leader, University of Maryland Libraries Original... more

Monday at ALA

This morning I had another opportunity to browse the exhibits. Either I’m getting bolder or they were giving more “stuff” away as I managed to pick up some more bags and books. I also checked out the Summons product from Serial Solutions to see if it could help in ILL. Since she does most of... more

ALA with Lynn (Part IV)

This will be my last post, since tomorrow will be limited to staying in the hotel room to finish up Jill’s version of the ZSR Annual Report before leaving for the airport. So, finishing up on Sunday… The first program of the afternoon was “Information Technology and Communities of Color:Issues and Opportunities in a Global... more

Susan’s Monday Morning at ALA

The meeting for my second ALA committee (LLAMA BES/LIFE=Library Leadership, Administration & Management Association, Building & Equipment Section/Library Interiors, Furnishings and Equipment Committee, whew!) took place this morning. The sole purpose of this committee is to generate programs for ALA Annual. Program planning takes about 18 months from conception to execution and has to go... more

Ellen M. at ALA 2009

Well, here I am at the Big Kahuna of library conferences, the ALA annual conference in Chicago. I arrived yesterday (Saturday) at the McCormick Place Convention Center at 1:25 PM hoping to attend a meeting at 1:30. Walking into the lobby outside the Exhibit hall (aka The Stacks) I tried to orient myself and find... more

Susan’s ALA Sunday

As Lynn mentioned, I had an early start to the day by joining in on Bill’s Alibris morning run. It was a beautiful Chicago day and it was nice to be outside and running through Grant Park and along Lake Michigan. After I earned my t-shirt and trophy (which looks amazingly like the ones for... more

Sunday at ALA With Roz

I started my day in the exhibits where I popped by to see Lauren and then went more systematically through the exhibits, which seem smaller to me this year from years past. I found an amazing microfiche/film/card reader that has some potential, picked up some posters, looked at and gave some input on a new... more

Lynn Receives the Sirsi-Dynix ALA-APA Award

Here is Lynn receiving the Sirsi-Dynix ALA-APA Award for Outstanding Achievement in Promoting Salaries and Status for Library Workers. Her award was presented by Linda Dobbs. Congratulations, Lynn! more

ALA with Lynn (Part III)

Sunday morning has started off with a bang. I didn’t get up quite as early as Susan who signed up for Bill’s Alibris 5K race in Grant Park, but my day started with the Sirsi-Dynix ALA-APA Award for Outstanding Achievement in Promoting Salaries and Status for Library Workers. Wanda and Ellen M. were there for... more

Roz at ALA Day 2

My day 2 at ALA began with my first ever committee meeting. I am on the Teaching, Learning and Technology committee of the Library Instruction Round Table. We had a good meeting and chose our next project. Plus it was really nice to put faces to names, as our committee gets most of its job... more