Inside ZSR

Lauren P @ Midwinter

Whew! Midwinter was busy, productive, and good this go around! As you know I typically blog each event and pull the posts together into daily posts here. This time I quickly realized that I wouldn’t even have the time for that type of reporting, so I did daily posts over on my blog, and I’m... more

Susan’s Sunday at ALA Midwinter

A Cold Denver Night Scene Sunday was a day full of meetings, presentations and networking for me that ran from 7:30 am to 11:00 pm (way past my usual bedtime!). Neither of my committees met, so I had the flexibility to pick and choose how to structure my day. The day was cold with snow... more

Susan at ALA Midwinter: Day 2

Lawrence Argent’s “I See What You Mean,” at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. This year I am on two committees and both met today. The first one started at 8 am, which wasn’t a problem since the 2 hours time difference had me wide awake by 4 am (MST). This was my new committee,... more

Susan at ALA Midwinter in Denver: Day1

Today has been a long one, full of travel, a symposium, a happy hour and a lovely dinner. It’s time for ALA Midwinter once again. This time it’s being held in Denver, one of my favorite cities to visit. The day started with an early flight, designed to get me here in time to attend... more

More ALA from Wanda

“Counting Opinions” (CO) is an instantaneous, continuous customer feedback system designed specifically for libraries. It provides libraries with innovative, comprehensive, cost-effective ways to measure and manage their customer satisfaction and performance data, including open-ended customer feedback, trends, benchmarks, outcomes and peer comparisons. ZSR Library has just become a beta partner for the product. Susan, Lauren... more

Lauren C.’s ALA Annual

One session I attended had possible practical application for us and is summarized immediately below. Following that are summaries of my committee work, which formed the main focus of the Anaheim conference for me. “Institutional Repositories: New Roles for Acquisitions” This was a panel discussion on Monday, June 30, 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm, with... more

Catalog Debate at ALA

At ALA, I attended several sessions on cataloging and the future of the catalog. The liveliest session was a debate titled “There’s No Catalog Like No Catalog: The Ultimate Debate on the Future of the Library Catalog.” Below are some of the questions Roy Tennant, Senior Program Officer for OCLC Programs and Research, posed to... more

Elizabeth Experiencing ALA for the First Time

I attended my first ALA Conference weekend before last in Anaheim, CA. Before arriving I tried to keep an open mind without any agenda or pre-conceived expectations. I just wanted to “experience” this annual librarian event. Turns out I wasn’t the only one thinking about experiences. If I could select one word (and obviously I... more

Carolyn at ALA Annual

This was my second ALA, and I am so glad I went. I attended several sessions on cataloging and the future of the catalog, as well as a session on information literacy standards for anthropology and sociology students. Below are insights gained from attending sessions by and for sociology and anthropology librarians and information literacy... more

Cristina at ALA Annual

I got to attend the 2008 ALA conference after several years of hiatus. I had forgotten the excitement and the hustle and bustle of it all. It was a very good conference and I got to attend several interesting and informational sessions. “Sustainable Libraries: Shades of Green” discussed how libraries can be built using recycled... more