I am currently attending the 2007 ALA Gaming Symposium in Chicago! (Actually, it is at the Marriott near O’Hare) Since arriving Sunday morning, I’ve listened to a bevy of speakers, participated in a Wii tournament, and given a presentation with Lynn and Lori Critz from Georgia Tech, and there is still an entire day left... more ›
Today started with a COSWL meeting, and finished with the Amtrak ride home. I’ve posted my COSWL notes over on the COSWL Cause blog. Some general reflections from this conference: It is NOT worth it to stay in the dorms. It is less stressful to focus on meetings (rather than programs) if you have a... more ›
I was able to attend a program on Monday! I went to “Once upon a Furl in a Podcast Long Ago: Using New Technologies to Support Library Instruction.” Not only was this program all about some of my favorite topics (technology in education), but it was sponsored by the Women’s Studies Section (my home within... more ›
Sunday morning I woke up late so I had to hustle to get to the Convention Center in time for the “Cutting Edge Technology” presentation I had chosen out of the three I wanted to attend in the morning time slot. On the bus, I saw Scott Muir, who used to work at DALNET cooperative... more ›
I’ve officially finished my participation at the ALA conference today, as I’m heading home in the morning. I attended one more session since my earlier post, the session on the Sakai Collaboration and Learning Environment. Sakai is an open source product for research collaboration and is designed to support teaching and learning. The presentation was... more ›
Today was COSWL’s first meeting… I posted notes on the COSWL blog. One thing I’m thrilled we’re discussing is women, technology, and librarianship. I think there’s fruitful area for research and action in that realm. We have a lot of big plans for the coming year. Here’s hoping that our committee members get involved in... more ›
After a long and confusing telephone call with one of the conference Sheratons, I finally figured out where to head for my meeting with the LITA Program Planning Committee. My Interest Group wants to present a program at Annual 2008, and to do so we have to put something in this weekend. Having NEVER done... more ›
Not a lot to report here (again, unless you want the inner workings of a committee group). We have a bunch of new, enthusiastic members (YAY!), and are planning on going forward on our Information Literacy Standards project. We want to rewrite the standards for people in Women and Gender Studies. We must be onto... more ›
Most of my day was spent away from the convention center, but now that I’m in the COSWL booth in the exhibit hall, I have a few minutes to go online! This morning I started out early to go to the Alexander Street Press Breakfast. I love that company. They have a few new products... more ›
Good news for someone who checked out of her hotel and decided to drive into town this morning: street parking is available at 7:30 am on a Sunday and is free all day. My commute went from over an hour to 15 minutes this morning. A much more relaxed way to get an early start.... more ›