Inside ZSR

Lynn’s ALA Saturday

Change, serendipity…that’s what ALA is all about. Choosing from the dozens of programs available, I finally decided to go hear Khaled Hosseini, author of the The Kite Runner (required reading for all Americans) and the new A Thousand Splendid Suns at the Convention Center.After standing in line for about 10 minutes, word spread through the... more

Susan’s Saturday Afternoon

The majority of the afternoon was spent in my committee meeting. The Instructional Technologies Committee produced two “Tips and Trends” pieces since ALA Midwinter: one on YouTube and one on Whiteboards. We designed a new “template” for doing these pieces – coming up with the section designations was one of my assignments. Designating specific discussion... more

Susan’s Saturday Morning

I had a very early start this morning. I delivered Ron to my sister’s place in Springfield, got to hug my granddaughter (who is coincidentally up north to meet relatives this weekend), rushed back, caught the yellow-line Metro and was only 10 minutes late for my first session: Leading Technology-Driven Change: Theory & Practice. You... more

Lauren @ LITA DLIG & COSWL (alphabet soup!)

Okay, is it saying something when a shy person says the best part of her day was spent in the exhibit hall? Today I had my first interest group meeting as a co-chair. We had had some drama setting up the meeting of the Distance Learning Interest Group, thought we had fixed the issue, then... more

Lauren @ LITA’s Interest Groups Chairs

This is where we really got down to the nitty-gritty of LITA Interest Groups. IGs are to LITA what committees are to ACRL. The difference is that you can just show up to an interest group and participate. To join a committee on ACRL you need to go through an appointment process. This was much... more

Lauren @ LITA’s Joint Committee and Interest Groups Chairs Meeting

I am the incoming co-chair for the LITA Distance Learning Interest Group. I know, I know… you’re asking, “why would you be involved with Distance Learning when we don’t do it at WFU?” Really, the DLIG focuses on using technology to reach students on and off campus and how to use technology in education, so... more

Friday at ALA with Lynn

Well, the ALA adventure began badly when our direct flight from Greensboro was CANCELED and Bill and I (along with Sarah) were re-routed through Charlotte (nothing like flying southwest to go northeast) before arriving several hours late. That meant Bill had to scramble to set up the Alibris booth at the convention center and I... more

Lauren: The trip to ALA isn’t always easy!

Written at 10:30pm last night. The following isn’t about any meetings, lectures, or vendor talks, it’s just a recount of my l-o-n-g trip to Washington. If you’re a fan of Twitter, I kept that updated most of the time… The day started with a 7:20am walk to the Amtrak pickup point in Winston-Salem. I thought... more

Susan in Crystal City

Even though I am just about traveled out from the South trip, I hit the road again this morning to come to Washington, D.C. for the ALA annual conference. You may remember that I am on the Instructional Technologies Committee, a committee of the Instruction Section of ACRL. When you are on a committee, you... more

So Long Seattle from Lynn

I see Erik is already starting the next iteration of this blog from San Antonio, so I will keep this brief. I judge this to be a successful Midwinter. Seattle is nearly ideal as a Midwinter site, with all the hotels in walking distance of the Convention Center, the weather consistently over freezing, and plenty... more