#Scholarly Communication

Inside ZSR

ScienceOnline2010 Preconference Day

I am in the Durham/RTP area this weekend attending the ScienceOnline2010 conference. This is the fourth year of the conference, and my third year of attendance. Although the conference doesn’t officially start until Saturday, there was a series of workshops, food tours and lab tours on Friday for early arrivals, and a gala reception Friday... more

Roz at LOEX: Why Does Google Scholar Sometimes ask for Money?

This excellent presentation was done by two librarians at NCSU: Scott Warren, the Assoc. Director of the Textiles Library and Engineering Sciences and Kim Duckett, Digital Technologies and Learning Librarian. What they have done is to expand on our discussion of the economics of information and scholarly publishing for an upper-level english class on communication... more

Friday in Seattle with Lynn

I spent the day on the University of Washington campus at an all-day follow-up workshop to the Institute on Scholarly Communications that I attended in December in Durham (remember that marathon Gaz article?). I LOVED the campus and was very glad to see both the Odegaard Undergraduate Library (that I heard a lot about when... more