During August 2009

Inside ZSR

Submit your publications and presentations to WakeSpace

On Monday, Erik led a short class on the process for submitting to WakeSpace for library staff. The class focused on the elements to gather prior to submission and the hands-on task of actually submitting the work. As part of the class a wiki page on submitting items to WakeSpace was developed that covers the... more

Zotero day 2

Day 2 at the Zotero workshop We began the second day talking about how to get the word out about Zotero to different areas of our universities. We started talking about the Zotero community & how we can use it for support, both as users and as developers. We talked about how to use the... more

Zotero Workshop day 1

I went down to Emory University this Thursday & Friday to participate in a workshop on the open source software program Zotero. Zotero is a citation management program developed at the Center for History & New Media at George Mason University. A graduate student in reference first introduced us to it and I started using... more

Handheld Librarian Online Conference – Tom Peters

I attended the Handheld Librarian Online Conference on Thursday, July 30th and heard a presentation by Tom Peters. Peters is CEO of Tap Information Services and has 20 years experience in academic libraries. His presentation was entitled: “Mobility and Singularity: People, Communication, Information, Information Objects, and Information Services in Motion.” Peters began by stating that... more