By Mary Beth Lock

Inside ZSR

MB’s ACRL wrapup

I’ve held back my ACRL posting and am doing a single overview of the conference. I know that many people wait anxiously for the posts to start flooding in when several of us go away to a conference, but I didn’t post until now because I wanted to avoid redundancy, reflect on what I’d learned,... more

ILLiad Conference Round up

The ILLiad International conference, held Thursday-Friday, March 25-26, 2010 in Virginia Beach, VA had many sessions whose common content all boiled down to this: collaboration is key; communication is critical; promotion is needed; and evaluation is necessary. There were a few other things that I learned, but those are the highest level takeaways from the... more

Birds, Seals and ILLiad reports

Cristina and I have had a taste of the wild life in Virginia Beach in our first 24 hours at the ILLiad International Conference. When we arrived at our hotel on Tuesday, we were greeted by a bird that was camped right outside our door. While surprised, we managed to scare it away so we... more

Who is right? Copyleft/Copyright Symposium

On Friday, March 5, Leslie, Heather and I attended the first panel discussion entitled “Who is Right? Comparing and Contrasting the Interests of Artists/Broadcasters, Assignees, Academics, and the Public“. The first panelist was Kimberliann Podlas, a Assistant Professor of Law and Media Ethics from UNCG. Kimberliann asserted that in the war on illegal downloading of... more

Copyright/Copyleft Symposium at WFU Law School

This morning, Heather, Steve, Leslie and I (and I saw Lynn in the audience too) all attended the keynote speech given by Lolly Gasaway at the WFU Law School’s symposium “Copyleft vs. Copyright: Artist and Author Rights in Tomorrow’s Digital Age.” The focus of her keynote was to give some copyright context and layout the... more

Public Speaking and Presentations day two

Ellen and I attended the second of six sessions offered by the PDC on Public Speaking and Presenting today. Because I was the only one who hadn’t given my 3 minute speech on an assigned topic yet, I gave my speech today. (The rest of the 15 attendees had to give their speech with very... more

IIC Conference-UNCG June 3-4

I thought I’d jump in and do my post before all of the “good” sessions got reported on by others. BUt in truth, they were ALL good. In the keynote by Joyce Ogburn, she talked about some of the entrepreneurial initiatives that they’d done at her institution, the Marriott Library at the University of Utah.... more

MB @LAUNC-CH March 2009

Erik Mitchell, Kevin Gilbertson, Cristina Yu, Mary Scanlon, Ellen Daugman, Steve Kelley and I all attended the LAUNC-CH conference at Chapel Hill on March 9, 2009. I attended the Next Generation Library Systems session from 12:45 to 2:15. That presentation, not surprisingly, focused on the OLE Project, (Jean Ferguson and John Little were presenters) and... more

Mary Beth’s last ACRL post

I apologize for the length of this post, but it is encompassing both Saturday and Sunday, and both were extremely valuable days at the conference. Saturday, March 14’s first session was called Weaving a new net: Hauling multiple services into a New Learning Commons at Seattle University. They discussed the trials and rewards of bringing... more

MB’s Friday at ACRL

A busy day today started with The Proquest Breakfast . Roz and I attended the presentation that was meant to showcase the new Summon Unified Discovery Service.In order to frame the issue, first Alison Head spoke about, “Project information literacy:Through the lens of the Student Experience“ She shared a YouTube video ( that summed up... more