November Events Preparing for Exam Season In November, the Public Services team focused on preparing for the exam period, ensuring everything was in place to support our students during this busy time. Plans for several exciting collaborations and interactive projects were finalized, aimed at engaging students and helping them manage stress. The team also worked... more ›
The ZSR Recognitions: Thank a Colleague! program provides an opportunity for employees to submit a note of thanks to their colleagues. These can be for going above and beyond, helping a job get done, general appreciation, or any reason thanks can be given. Here are those who were recognized last month. Thanks to all for... more ›
The ALA division, Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures, began in 2020 through the combining of the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), the Library Information Technology Association (LITA), and the Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA). This was the third annual conference held this year in Minneapolis, with 470 folks attending, up from 400... more ›
October Events Nakayasu Book Display and Art Installation In early October, the ZSR Library presented a special book display to accompany the art installation featuring works by poet Sawako Nakayasu. The display, curated by Rodrigo Castro, Director of Public Services and Erin Jones, Research Services Specialist, showcased several of Nakayasu’s titles, including “Nothing Fictional but... more ›
The ZSR Recognitions: Thank a Colleague! program provides an opportunity for employees to submit a note of thanks to their colleagues. These can be for going above and beyond, helping a job get done, general appreciation, or any reason thanks can be given. Here are those who were recognized last month. Thanks to all for... more ›
Big Updates on Shifting Projects! The Public Services team is excited to share that the condensing of sections A through D on Wilson 1 is now complete! The next phase, moving the E collection from Reynolds 7 to Wilson 1, has now been started. Currently, the shifting team is nearing the E 200’s and thanks... more ›
On September 10th-13th, I attended the NCLA Leadership Institute in Black Mountain, NC. The mission of the NCLA Leadership Institute is “to create opportunities for learning and skill building in leadership and mentoring”, and to “cultivate an improved understanding of self and others while inspiring participants to serve in leadership roles within the profession at... more ›
Have you ever caught yourself looking at the ZSR Employee Association Event Calendar Calendar, thinking, “Wait, is that for me?” Well, we’re here to clear things up! We’re excited to introduce the ZSR Employee Association Event Calendar, your go-to source for all events just for ZSR employees. While the ZSR Library Event Tracker Calendar covers... more ›
Thank you, Maia! Maia Dickinson, ZSR’s former Circulation Supervisor, has accepted a library acquisitions role at UNC School of the Art’s library. During her time at ZSR, Maia trained dozens of students, collaborated with the Public Services team on the Wellness Collection, and received the 2024 ZSR Library Outstanding Staff Employee of the Year award... more ›
The ZSR Recognitions: Thank a Colleague! program provides an opportunity for employees to submit a note of thanks to their colleagues. These can be for going above and beyond, helping a job get done, general appreciation, or any reason thanks can be given. Here are those who were recognized last month. Thanks to all for... more ›