Inside ZSR

Lauren’s Weekend at ACRL

Saturday and Sunday were busy enough that I’m just now getting down to posting about them! Officially, here are the notes posts: Extending the Impact of Online Library Instructional Tools through Collaborative Development ACRL Focus Group Assessment to Innovation: Creating a Model for Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing Online If Fish Markets Can Do it,... more

Saturday in Seattle: Susan’s Final Day

Poster Sessions Saturday’s ACRL was chock-full of opportunities for learning and networking. I don’t think any of us have mentioned that the “gate count” for the conference was 2841 face-to-face attendees and a minimum of 332 virtual attendees for a new record. So, the Convention Center was bustling all day long. As Lynn intimated in... more

Saturday in Seattle (Lynn)

We woke up Saturday to a cold rain, which must be the reason why the rest of America doesn’t all move to Seattle because it’s pretty nice otherwise. The title of my first Saturday session is the underlying theme of the conference, in my book. “Thriving in an Economic Downturn: Don’t Let a Good Crisis... more

Wanda’s ACRL – Saturday

Ok so Saturday was looking like the Seattle we hear about, all wet, dreary and a bit cooler, but nonetheless a great conference day. One I began by attending “Reaching the Summit: Are we Creating Work Environments for People to Thrive? This program shared results of an exploratory study on the degree to which Library... more

Wanda is at ACRL too…

Arriving in Seattle after a very early departure from Greensboro and a long, long flight my first day was totally exhausting. Before calling it a day, I managed to hear and enjoy the opening keynoter Rush Kidder and agree with him when he states, a lot of what’s wrong with America could be fixed with... more

MB’s Friday at ACRL

A busy day today started with The Proquest Breakfast . Roz and I attended the presentation that was meant to showcase the new Summon Unified Discovery Service.In order to frame the issue, first Alison Head spoke about, “Project information literacy:Through the lens of the Student Experience“ She shared a YouTube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cvZPMmYeR4) that summed up... more

Friday at ACRL for Susan

Today was a busy one, full of educational sessions, vendor meetings, and poster sessions. My day started with a breakfast session about “Leveraging the Institutional Repository to support the institution’s strategic mission.” An interesting resource that was mentioned during the presentation was ROAR: Registry of Open Asccess Repositories that monitors the growth of eprint archives... more

Seattle on Friday with Lynn

I apologize in advance for the length of this post. I remember by typing and I didn’t want to forget anything. Brother Can You Spare a Dime? 2009 ACRL Trends for Academic Libraries In a smart move, the planners of this session retooled it completely from what they had planned to do a year ago... more

News From ACRL Vendors – Roz

So today was a day where I spent a good deal of time with vendors and since Mary Beth and Susan will most likely cover the sessions I went to, I’ll focus my post on what I learned about new products and offerings on the horizon. The day started with a breakfast sponsored by Serial... more

Lauren’s Friday at ACRL

Whew! It’s been a great day. As always, detailed notes are in my blog, and you’re getting the conversational perspective. If you want details, here they are: Scholarship Breakfast: The Millennial Driven Library Innovation Imperative Reconnect, Reflect, Recharge (Peer Evaluation of Teaching) Fishing for Information: Using Focus Group Research to Discover Student Perceptions of Library... more