Inside ZSR

Lauren’s Thursday at ACRL

Yesterday was a long day of travel, and introduction to ACRL, and a bit of exploring for me. I left the Greensboro airport at 6:30 to get into Seattle around 1:00ish. I found a friend from the NCLA Leadership Institute at the Houston airport, so she, her husband, and I all took the bus into... more

Thursday: A Venn Day for Susan in Seattle

Touring Boehm’s Candy Factory Roz, Mary Beth and Lynn have already covered the important highlights of day one at ACRL in Seattle.My pictures from yesterday show the day (in reverse): a fun, informative tour of outlying areas surrounding Seattle, including (in addition to chocolate, wine and waterfalls) floating bridges, a view of Bill Gates’ lakefront... more

Mary Beth at ACRL

Roz, Susan and I started out the day with the “Chocolate, Wine and Waterfalls” tour. The tour was populated with two buses full of librarians, so I guess there were plenty interested here at the conference. (The tour of area glass blowing facilities, didn’t make it, however.) It was a fun and engaging tour of... more

ACRL Day 1 – Roz’s Reflections

Had a fabulous tour with Mary Beth and Susan today called “Chocolate, Waterfalls and Wine” – hard to think of any other combination more appealing to me unless it had been called “Shakespeare, Frank Lloyd Wright and ACC Basketball”! We started at Boehm’s Chocolate’s just outside of Seattle. Handmade chocolates, free of preservatives, housed in... more

ACRL Seattle – Thursday (Lynn)

Hello, fellow ZSR-ites. I’m a bit groggy after traveling all day. Got here in time to check into the room with Wanda and then head over to the convention center. First person I see is Jim Williams, Dean of Libraries at Colorado-Boulder, and an old friend of mine (from the 70’s!) from Wayne State. The... more

Susan Arrives in Seattle for ACRL 2009

Today was a long travel day to arrive in Seattle for tomorrow’s start of ACRL 2009. Mary Beth and I caught a 6:25 am flight from Greensboro and arrived at our hotel around 1 pm (western time) after 7 hours of flight time and a stop in Houston. Roz flew on a different airline and... more

Information Commons 2.0 Webcast

This afternoon 18+ folks gathered in LIB204 for a webcast from ACRL on Information Commons. The sections was led by Joan Lippencott. Here are the notes from the session – it will be available online from ACRL and I will post the link here when available. She began by discussing the concepts of Information Commons... more

Lauren P @ Midwinter

Whew! Midwinter was busy, productive, and good this go around! As you know I typically blog each event and pull the posts together into daily posts here. This time I quickly realized that I wouldn’t even have the time for that type of reporting, so I did daily posts over on my blog, and I’m... more

One Last Leadership Institute Session to Share

Joe Zolner Our final session this morning was designed to pull together everything we have been learning this week and get us thinking about how we can use what we’ve learned to develop our ability to become change agents at our institutions. Joe Zolner, our program leader and primary instructor this week, shared his thoughts... more

Final Days at the Institute

Our Discussion Group at Breakfast Yesterday was another full day of sessions and learning. We worked on two case studies – the first was about the Boston Lyric Opera where we examined how a non-profit organization used a specific tool, the Balanced Scorecard, to improve its organizational performance and outcomes. I could see how this... more