Inside ZSR

Lauren @ WSS Instruction Committee

Not a lot to report here (again, unless you want the inner workings of a committee group). We have a bunch of new, enthusiastic members (YAY!), and are planning on going forward on our Information Literacy Standards project. We want to rewrite the standards for people in Women and Gender Studies. We must be onto... more

Susan’s Saturday Afternoon

The majority of the afternoon was spent in my committee meeting. The Instructional Technologies Committee produced two “Tips and Trends” pieces since ALA Midwinter: one on YouTube and one on Whiteboards. We designed a new “template” for doing these pieces – coming up with the section designations was one of my assignments. Designating specific discussion... more

Miscellaneous and Concluding Thoughts from ACRL

John Waters: I am by no means a prude and loved his interviews in “This Film is Not Yet Rated” but I thought his luncheon speech at ACRL was inappropriately irrelevant. We should attract students to the library by appearing in the nude? And that was one of the mild suggestions! “Perceptions of Campus-Level Advocacy... more

Politics & the Media at ACRL

A couple of presentations touched on themes that are broader than libraries, namely the role of journalism and the press. David Silber is an Assistant Professor of Media Studies at the University of San Francisco. His presentation, “Digital Media, Learning, and Libraries: Web 2.0, Learning 2.0, and Libraries 2.0” was well-attended and much appreciated by... more

Tuum Est – Designing Learning Spaces

The second pair of presentations I attended was on the theme of designing learning spaces in libraries. I was reminded that I wrote a paper on this topic ages ago (late 90’s) when we were building the Undergraduate Library at Wayne. Many of the principles are the same, but the importance of technology is even... more

Gaming presentations at ACRL

Back to blogging, after catching up on email. I will try to group some of the presentations I attended: I tried to attend as many presentations on gaming in libraries as I could, since that has become a specialty of ours at ZSR and Giz and I are scheduled to present at the 2nd Gaming... more

Dinner with Debbie at ACRL

I met Debbie for dinner last night in Baltimore so that we could both catch up with what was going on in our respective libraries. She drove us to the Little Italy section of town, which has fabulous Italian restaurants. We chose one based on the availability of their gated parking lot, and discovered it... more

Lynn at ACRL

Here we are in the land of MoreBalts, as Bill likes to call it. The city is crowded, congested, and undergoing massive construction projects, from what I can see along E. Pratt Ave. Opening Session – Michael Eric Dyson When I attended the Wake Forest convocation with Leonard Pitts last fall, I thought it was... more

Sunday with Lynn

Sunday morning started bright and early with the Alibris User Group breakfast at 8:00 am. I serve on the Alibris Collection Development Award panel and the winners were announced at the breakfast. When I read the finalists’ applications this year, I promised myself I would never complain about our acquisitions budget again because these were... more

Lauren’s Sunday afternoon

After the breakfast I attended my WSS instruction committee meeting. It looks good. I was successful in arguing that we don’t need a blog or wiki for internal communication. We’re going to focus our energy this semester on rewriting the Information Literacy Standards with a WSS focus for WSS librarians and faculty. My role in... more