#ALA Midwinter

Inside ZSR

Susan’s Sunday Morning Meetings II

The second session I attended this morning was a demonstration of Primo by ExLibris. As I mentioned in an earlier post, this is a new resource discovery and delivery product that is coming to the market. Its competition includes AquaBrowser and Grokker. Its purpose is to provide an interface that incorporates the varied information users... more

Susan’s Sunday Morning Meetings I

I got off to an earlier business start today with an 8 am meeting to listen to the LITA’s Top Technology Trends Committee meeting. At each ALA conference, several technology experts gather to predict the most important technology trends in the current library environment. Four of the current experts (Clifford Lynch, Marshall Breeding, Karen Schneider... more

Lauren’s Sunday afternoon

After the breakfast I attended my WSS instruction committee meeting. It looks good. I was successful in arguing that we don’t need a blog or wiki for internal communication. We’re going to focus our energy this semester on rewriting the Information Literacy Standards with a WSS focus for WSS librarians and faculty. My role in... more

Alexander Street Press Breakfast with Angela Davis

Today I attended my first breakfast with Alexander Street Press, and it was amazing. First: I love ASP. I think they offer a lot of interesting and innovative products in interesting and emerging fields, so I feel they are future minded. This became more evident as they discussed the evolution of a new architecture for... more

Saturday Report from Lynn

In my experience, Saturday is almost always the busiest day of any ALA Conference. The cab driver on the way in from the airport asked why librarians had their conferences over the weekend because most other professional groups start on Monday. Good question. In any case, I found myself with three things I wanted/needed to... more

EndUser Board Meeting with ExLibris Management Group

Endeavor customers were invited to attend this meeting last evening with the EndUser Board and ExLibris Management. The late hour of the meeting may have affected the attendance because only about 20 of us showed up (in addition to the meeting participants). It was scheduled to go for an hour and a half. An hour... more

An assortment of presentations, meetings and discussions for Susan

My first session of the day was a panel presentation titled “Not your Dad’s Interface: Next Generation OPACs and Search Engines.” Our old friends from NCSU were there to talk about their Endeca project. King County Public Library System presented on their implementation of AquaBrowser. AquaBrowser is a stand-alone product that supposedly is ILS independent... more

Visit to the Central Seattle Public Library

I ended up making two separate trips to the library because the building is so big, I couldn’t do it justice in just one visit. It is very impressive simply because of its massiveness. The interior design theme was carried out throughout, but to me it was a very stark futuristic industrial look. The furniture... more

WSS general membership meeting

My last meeting of the day was the Women’s Studies Section general membership meeting. This is really a chance to share what’s going on at different institutions, in the WSS committees, and the work that is going on towards the annual program. This year’s annual program will be about technologies in instruction and next year’s... more

view from the exhibits

It’s my dirty little secret. I’m scared of the exhibit halls. They’re big, crowded, loud, and I’m not ever sure exactly what I’m supposed to do. I normally just make time to do a quick run through, see what’s going on (so that when people are talking about Google, I know what they’re doing), and... more