Inside ZSR

Welcome to ALA!

This is the sign that welcomes folks to the conference! more

Ups and downs on Friday

Yesterday was a day of ups and downs: One of the planes took a sharp decent way before we were near the airport. Luckily, the pilots were there. They came on the intercom and announced the autopilot caused the descent, so they took over to correct it. We left the airport terminal only to see... more

Susan Made it to Seattle

After hours of being airborne, I arrived safe and sound right before noon (Seattle time). I hitched a ride on a shuttle bus to the downtown Hilton, settled in and went to the Convention & Trade Center to pick up the conference schedule. It is amazing the number of sessions and meetings that are taking... more

Waterfront View

Waterfront View Originally uploaded by Susan Sharpless Smith. more

Space Needle

The Space Needle and Calder Space Needle Originally uploaded by Susan Sharpless Smith. more

Pike Place Public Market

This was the first “popular” tourist sight I spotted on my run. Pike Place Public Market Originally uploaded by Susan Sharpless Smith. more

City View from the Seattle Hilton

I’m posting a few images I put on my Flickr account. City View from the Seattle Hilton Originally uploaded by Susan Sharpless Smith. more

Friday in Seattle with Lynn

I spent the day on the University of Washington campus at an all-day follow-up workshop to the Institute on Scholarly Communications that I attended in December in Durham (remember that marathon Gaz article?). I LOVED the campus and was very glad to see both the Odegaard Undergraduate Library (that I heard a lot about when... more

Lauren’s sitting at the airport

Whew! After running errands, making sure files are in order, and finishing all the necessary tasks to leave town, I’m sitting in the airport waiting to fly to O’Hare. (I’m really glad the layover happens to be there… they have great vegan pretzels!) I’m headed off to ALA in a few capacities. My main committee... more

Susan’s Heading to Seattle and ALA Midwinter

Over the next few days those of us who are attending ALA Midwinter in Seattle will provide daily reports on our activities. Look for postings from Lynn, Sarah, Mary H., Lauren and me. Right now I’m sitting at Gate 48 at PTI waiting to board a plane to Dulles for the first leg of what... more