Inside ZSR

ASERL Lunch-N-Learn #2

Today Mary Beth, Jean-Paul, and Erik attended the second ASERL lunch n learn webinar. The speakers were Toby Graham from the University of Georgia and Mary Molinaro from the University of Kentucky. Both presenters discussed several of the digital collections that their institutions have been working on for the last few years. Interestingly, both presenters... more

ZSR library attends ASERL ITDIIG Lunch-n-Learn

Lynn, Mary Beth, Wanda, Patty, Jean-Paul, Kaeley, Barry, Chris B. Lauren C., Lauren P, Kevin, Tim and Erik attended the session which was a presentation on how Georgia Tech (Tyler Walters) and Clemson(Emily Gore) approach digitization and digital priorities. Emily covered what Clemson is doing and presented on her work building a digital initiatives program... more

LYRASIS Mass Digitization Collaborative Information Session-ASERL

On May 27th Lynn, Megan and Giz met in the ITC Screening Room at 10am for a Mass Digitization Collaborative Information Session by Lyrasis. Laurie Gemmill the Lyrasis Digital Services Program Manager was the speaker. After a quick test of the webinar tools, Laurie Gemmill wanted to get a feel for everyone’s location, so we... more

It’s all about U: The ASERL-Auburn Forum on Library User Studies

Yesterday I attended the ASERL-Auburn Forum on Library User Services. As usual, I took copious notes and posted them to my blog. If you’re interested in reading more I’ll put the links at the bottom of this post. To keep it interesting, I’m posting the main points here. There were four big take aways for... more

ASERL – New age of discovery

Wanda and Erik were in Decatur, GA on Thursday attending an ASERL institute on the new age of discovery. Karen Calhoun kicked things off with a presentation on the need to change library systems, bibliographic control, and user services to keep the library a relevant part of the research process. Some interesting links that she... more