In the effort to continue developing both my instruction and systematic review skills, I had the extraordinary opportunity to attend the Evidence-Based Practice for Health Science Librarians (EBP for HSL) Workshop from June 23 – 26 at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) in Charleston. Previously held at the University of Colorado Denver Anschutz... more ›
Eleven-day-old daughter and sleep-deprived wife in tow, I attended the 2014 Charleston Conference flying arguably in the face of reason. I had the advantage of a free place to stay: my parents-in-law live out on James Island, a 15-minute drive to the Francis Marion Hotel where the conference is held. Given this fact and the... more ›
A keynote speaker used ‘gatekept’ as a past participle verb. The OED hasn’t caught on to that yet, but the Google Ngram shows a small but steady increase in the word since 1970. In “The Changing World of eBooks,” Mike Shatzkin focused on the viewpoint of trade publishers. They’ve discovered that most readers just want... more ›