JP already talked about Vufind but I thought I would add in my notes from the Vufind talk today. Demian Katz (Villanova) took some time in the afternoon to talk about Vufind and its growing support for metadata standards other than MARC. The update centered on how Vufind had been re-tuned to be more agnostic... more ›
I decided to devote a post to the OLE project given our interest in the direction of OLE in the coming year. Tim McGeary gave an update on the status of OLE – the project is currently in a build phase with nearly $5Million in funding from various sources. Coding started in early February, working... more ›
The second keynote of the morning was Dianne Hillman – she talked about collaborations between programmers and catalogers. Dianne dated her career by showing us a few tools that I remember from my early time as a librarian (Cord catalog rods and a card filer)! I wonder what that says about the pace of change... more ›
The opening session of Code4Lib began with a short presentation by the Director of the UI Libraries. UI Libraries won the ACRL Library of the Year award in 2010 and my short visit showed exactly why. The library had literally transformed four floors into study space, highly networked collaboration space and an information commons that... more ›
One thing I love about Code4Lib – I find out about projects that are complex, neat, well outside my technical expertise range, and every now and then, something that I can’t wait to play around with. I decided to spare everyone the gritty details from Tuesday & Wednesday – if you want to see them... more ›
JP and Erik hit Code4Lib on Monday and started off with attending a pre-conference on Koha. Koha has hit version 3 & includes some interesting serials and acquisitions functionality now. The presenter was Galen Charlton, the programmer who previously helped ZSR on our Meridian implementation. During the break we had an opportunity to chat with... more ›
Last week among all of the closings and delayed openings I was able to attend a webinar entitled “What Happened to the Computer Lab?” Our presenter was Beth Schaefer, Associate Director in Client Services and University Information Technology Services, at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Her discussion centered on changes the university computer labs have taken... more ›
Sebastian Hammer started out the second full day of Code4Lib with a discussion f the origin of open source software. After talking for a few minutes about the growing challenge for libraries to remain relevant in a changing informaiton economy, he bridged to the concept of builidng things not through api use but rather by... more ›
The first full day at code4lib included a slew of 20 minute talks on various library and coding topics today. The opening speaker stefano mazzocchi pushed on the idea about how the change to digital will impact how we encode and transport information. The interesting angle on this discussion was the representation of the reduction... more ›
This morning kicked off code4lib 2009 with a series of pre-conferences. Both Kevin and I attended the Vufind preconference session which included an overview of vufind, install exercise, and a q&a session on vufind features and issues. I documented lots of notes & tips on our Vufind project page in the library wiki and once... more ›