Inside ZSR

Susan Goes to Denver

I’m in Denver to attend the 10th Annual LITA National Forum. It is “annual event for those whose work involves new and leading edge technologies in the library and information technology field.” I arrived early yesterday afternoon thanks to an early flight and a 2 hour time difference. This was a bonus as it gave... more

Lauren @ LITA PPC

After a long and confusing telephone call with one of the conference Sheratons, I finally figured out where to head for my meeting with the LITA Program Planning Committee. My Interest Group wants to present a program at Annual 2008, and to do so we have to put something in this weekend. Having NEVER done... more

Lauren @ LITA DLIG & COSWL (alphabet soup!)

Okay, is it saying something when a shy person says the best part of her day was spent in the exhibit hall? Today I had my first interest group meeting as a co-chair. We had had some drama setting up the meeting of the Distance Learning Interest Group, thought we had fixed the issue, then... more

Lauren @ LITA’s Interest Groups Chairs

This is where we really got down to the nitty-gritty of LITA Interest Groups. IGs are to LITA what committees are to ACRL. The difference is that you can just show up to an interest group and participate. To join a committee on ACRL you need to go through an appointment process. This was much... more

Lauren @ LITA’s Joint Committee and Interest Groups Chairs Meeting

I am the incoming co-chair for the LITA Distance Learning Interest Group. I know, I know… you’re asking, “why would you be involved with Distance Learning when we don’t do it at WFU?” Really, the DLIG focuses on using technology to reach students on and off campus and how to use technology in education, so... more

Lauren’s last day at ALA

This Monday is shaping up to be pretty busy! I attended the LITA Town Meeting. It was great! They’re starting their own strategic planning process, so it was interesting to see what they had to say in relation to what we’ve been doing. I blogged about it for the LITA Blog. (I’ll add the link... more

Susan’s Sunday Morning Meetings I

I got off to an earlier business start today with an 8 am meeting to listen to the LITA’s Top Technology Trends Committee meeting. At each ALA conference, several technology experts gather to predict the most important technology trends in the current library environment. Four of the current experts (Clifford Lynch, Marshall Breeding, Karen Schneider... more

LITA Distance Learning Interest Group

LITA works a little bit differently than other groups. Where some ALA divisions have committees (by appointment), LITA has Interest Groups (of interested folks). When I’m at ALA meetings, I like to sit in on the distance learning ones, just to see what they’re up to. They’re generally just facilitated discussions on issues related to... more

Lauren’s sitting at the airport

Whew! After running errands, making sure files are in order, and finishing all the necessary tasks to leave town, I’m sitting in the airport waiting to fly to O’Hare. (I’m really glad the layover happens to be there… they have great vegan pretzels!) I’m headed off to ALA in a few capacities. My main committee... more