
Inside ZSR

Susan at LITA National Forum

Columbus Skyline As most of you are probably aware, I am the chair of this year’s LITA National Forum Planning Committee. What that has meant for me is that I’ve been working with the planning committee (and I might add, it has been a strong, effective group of people!) for over a year to put... more

Lauren’s Last LITA (B)log

Erik, Susan, and I are sitting in the Salt Lake City airport, writing up our final blog posts after getting a meal at the food court. If you’re interested in the detailed notes from the last two sessions I attended, here they are: Next-Gen Catalogs are Only Part of the Solution Technical/Tangible/Social AND Picture the... more

Lauren’s Second Day at LITA

Today was the longest day of the conference. If you’re interested in the detailed notes, here they are: David Weinberger’s keynote Lightning Talks The Future of Libraries is IT Academic Libraries’ Strategic Planning in the 21st Century: The Role of IT The day started with the main reason I wanted to attend this year’s LITA:... more

A Day and A Half into LITA National Forum 2009

David Weinberger Delivering Saturday’s Keynote Address I learned very quickly yesterday that being a member of a conference planning committee means you are kept busy all day long and into the evening. I had volunteered to record all three keynote addresses, so I worked with Jason Griffrey, who handled the audio portion, to get my... more

Lauren’s first day at LITA

Susan did a great job of writing up yesterday! After touching down, and getting acquainted with the area, I was able to do a little work on my presentation and finished it up this morning. When I felt I had a good handle on the material, I went downstairs to the Keynote and found Susan... more