
Inside ZSR

Happy Mentoring Month – Promotion Mentoring with a Twist!

January is National Mentoring Month, and the ZSR Librarians’ Assembly Mentoring Committee is encouraging ZSR Librarians to share their mentoring stories! Look for more mentoring-focused posts this month and more programming from the mentoring committee in the coming months! As the benefactor of two mentors in my three years at ZSR, I’m compelled to share... more

Experiences of a ZSR Mentoring Cohort

In the final blog post for mentoring month, we hear from a mentoring cohort at ZSR. Thanks to Tanya and Amanda for sharing their story! Introduction Amanda requested Tanya as a mentor last year as she prepared her promotion dossier and they decided to extend their mentoring relationship another year to discuss other goals –... more

A Tale of Informal Peer Mentoring

When talking with Craig and Hu about unexpected mentoring (see our collaborative post here or Craig’s post about his unexpected reverse mentoring experience with his student assistants here), we discussed other ways we’ve been mentored and the topic of peer mentorship was brought up. I couldn’t help but think of Morgan and I’s relationship and... more

When was mentorship impactful to us?

The benefits of having a mentor ranges from receiving valuable feedback, encouraging you to sharpen or learn new skills, and even praise and support. In this installment from the Mentoring Committee, we will each share a particular moment when having a mentor was impactful to us. How has mentorship strongly affected you? Please feel free... more

What We’re Working On: Amanda Foster Kaufman

As National Mentoring Month draws to an end, we are happy to feature Amanda Foster Kaufman, ZSR’s Learning and Instructional Services Librarian. Amanda elaborately shares how she has collaborated with co-authors to bridge two different Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) conference paper presentations into peer-reviewed articles. One was 2017-2020. The other is currently... more

What We’re Working On: Mary Beth Lock

January is National Mentoring Month. In recognition, the Mentoring Committee wanted to highlight the great work our ZSR colleagues are engaged in. We believe this is a great way to illuminate the various opportunities that are available for library staff. This week we are featuring Mary Beth Lock, ZSR’s Associate Dean. Mary Beth is currently... more

Mr. Eller Goes to Washington

ALA Annual 2019 marked my first return to Washington DC since 2007, when I attended my very first professional library conference there. I was a law librarian then. I am no longer that.  Nor am I a rookie librarian anymore. In fact, at this year’s conference, I met up with my new ALCTS mentee. Either... more

Three Ways to Improve Your Peer Mentor Programs

Allison McWilliams sent out an invite to the ZSR Mentoring Committee to attend a webinar: “Three Ways to Improve Your Peer Mentor Programs.” Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the webinar on the day that it aired. This week I was able to view the recorded webinar. The webinar offered some excellent advice for... more

ZSR Mentoring Committee Journal Reading Program

On November 2, the Mentoring Committee sponsored a “Mentoring Skills Builder” program. The program was designed to provide an opportunity for assembly members and current mentees/mentors to meet and discuss two short mentoring articles. Committee members (Giz Womack and Bobbie Collins) volunteered to lead the discussion. The articles chosen for the program look at both... more

Mentoring Program Coordinator Council

On Thursday, November 3, Bobbie, Giz, Craig, and Molly attended the third campus-wide Mentoring Program Coordinator Council. Organized once each semester by Allison McWilliams, Director of the Mentoring Resource Center, the Council brings together the coordinators of various formal mentoring programs at Wake Forest. Programs include those involving peer-to-peer mentoring among undergraduates, professional mentoring matches... more