NCLA marked my first experience as a member of a conference planning committee. I managed the poster sessions with my excellent co-chair and long-time friend of ZSR, Iyanna Sims. I didn’t get to attend that many concurrent sessions, since I frequently needed to help the next poster session set up. The most relevant session to... more ›
Last Thursday, I attended NCLA as a presenter for the first time. Dr. Anthony Chow, who was one of my professors when I was in library school, asked me if I could present two sessions with him that day. I agreed, suited up (literally) and made the journey to Hickory early that morning. Our first... more ›
I attended this year’s NCLA Conference in Hickory on October 6, and went through the usual pre-conference dithering over sessions to attend. Although I would have enjoyed one presentation on researching Civil War ancestors, given the approach of the War’s sesquicentennial and a recent summer pilgrimage to Gettysburg with two keenly engaged family members, I... more ›
Last week I was fortunate to have the opportunity to present for two NCLA events. The first was for Everybody Teaches: Creating effective online e-learning experiences with Beth Filar Williams and Amy Archambault. I got to know Amy late last year, as she’s a former Instructional Designer who is now working on a MLIS at... more ›
Tuesday I was able to attend the Pre-Conference Workshop, Everybody Teaches! Creating Effective Online e-learning Experiences, at NCLA presented by Lauren Pressley, Amy Archambault (UNCG) and Beth Filar Williams (UNCG). The outline for the workshop centered on the ADDIE instructional design principles. (I was very glad that I had attended the recent Teaching, Teaching class... more ›
It was really nice to be able to attend an NCLA conference again — one of my music conferences, as it happens, has been held at the same time for years. I attended a session on RDA, the new cataloging standard recently beta-tested by LC. Christee Pascale of NCSU gave a very helpful, concise reprise... more ›
Mary Scanlon and I attended the Thursday session of NCLA’s 58th Biennial Conference in Greenville, where 543 registrants converged on the Greenville Convention Center. The speaker at the day’s Ogilvie Lecture was Mary Boone, State Librarian of North Carolina, who commenced her address by countering our awareness of parlous times for libraries by citing positive... more ›
I am down in Greenville, attending the North Carolina Library Association’s 58th Biennial Conference themed, “NC Libraries: Serving Knowledge…Serving You. “Tuesday was a day for morning travel eastward on a most rainy and dreary day to conference headquarters for a Library Administration and Management Section (LAMS) sponsored pre-conference that outlined strategies and goals used in... more ›
On Tuesday, October 6th, I led a pre-conference on Google Tools for TNT. I was expecting 16 attendees, but because of the cancellation of an earlier workshop, I ended up with 22 attendees. About half of them brought laptops as suggested, and this made for an excellent hands-on experience for those attending! The workshop was... more ›
On Monday and Tuesday I participated in the NCLA Library Instruction 2.0 Conference with Roz, Susan, and Giz. Roz, Susan, and I gave a panel presentation on Monday on the 2.0 techniques we teach with at ZSR. We must be onto something at ZSR, because after the presentation I heard from several other librarians that... more ›