Inside ZSR

Lauren@NCLA: Yes, You Can Be a Leader!

Yesterday I went to the “Yes, You Can Be a Leader!” program. The program was designed to share information about the NCLA Leadership Institute. The presentation was really short. The idea for the program was to create an environment for past participants to meet potential participants and tell them about their experience. I had a... more

Lauren@NCLA: How Do We Get From Here To There

How Do We Get From Here to There: Coping with Future Changes in Technology and Service Delivery NC Public Library Trustee Association Rob McGee, RMG Consultants, Inc. Three important questions What are some new technologies for libraries? What new technologies should my library implement? Should my library partner with other libraries to share new technologies?... more

Lauren@NCLA: Opening Session

Heather and I are sitting in the main conference room of the Hickory Convention Center, getting ready to listen to the kick-off session. Here are my notes: First time since 1953 to meet west of US-77! Theme: “Telling our story” Several awards, names, involved people, were named. North Carolina Poet Laureate Katherine Stripling Byer Read... more