February Events CKI and World Tea Association, Feb. 4 CKI & World Tea Association had a table introducing students to Circle K International’s community service opportunities and the World Tea Association’s exploration of global tea cultures. Wake Up Wednesday, Feb. 12 Wake Up Wednesday is a recurring event where the Division of Campus Life provides... more ›
March’s Hidden Gems As I move forward into my third month here at ZSR, I often think of my time here with gratitude. It has been a pleasure getting to know everyone, and learning how to navigate our unique labyrinth of a building. One thing I have come to realize, though, is that being new... more ›
Shifting Projects Materials shifting and moving continue at a steady pace! We are currently relocating materials from the 8th floor to the 7th floor, utilizing space created by condensing and normalizing shelving arrangements. As of January 30, we have moved up to HD 3616, with 6.5 rows remaining before this phase of the project is... more ›
Once upon a time, way back when, there was a notoriously curious little girl who strolled down a sidewalk holding her mother’s hand. They had just left the library that was within walking distance of their house, and so with her other arm, as though she held a great treasure, that little girl clutched her... more ›
October Events Nakayasu Book Display and Art Installation In early October, the ZSR Library presented a special book display to accompany the art installation featuring works by poet Sawako Nakayasu. The display, curated by Rodrigo Castro, Director of Public Services and Erin Jones, Research Services Specialist, showcased several of Nakayasu’s titles, including “Nothing Fictional but... more ›
Big Updates on Shifting Projects! The Public Services team is excited to share that the condensing of sections A through D on Wilson 1 is now complete! The next phase, moving the E collection from Reynolds 7 to Wilson 1, has now been started. Currently, the shifting team is nearing the E 200’s and thanks... more ›
Thank you, Maia! Maia Dickinson, ZSR’s former Circulation Supervisor, has accepted a library acquisitions role at UNC School of the Art’s library. During her time at ZSR, Maia trained dozens of students, collaborated with the Public Services team on the Wellness Collection, and received the 2024 ZSR Library Outstanding Staff Employee of the Year award... more ›
Update on LibAnswers Last month we shared our internal challenge to answer 100% of all LibAnswers tickets received during open hours within one hour. In April (our first month focusing on this data point) we answered 76% of all tickets within an hour, with an average response time of 61 minutes. In May, we answered... more ›
The Public Services team is currently busy working extended hours to accommodate our finals week schedule! Here’s a recap of what we were working on last month: Consolidation of Available Shelving Space The Public Services team has been working on consolidating available shelving space. We currently have 590 empty bays (“bay” refers to the metal... more ›
Course Reserves Update We continue to work on the migration to a new course reserve system, Leganto. The current plan is to go live to instructors on April 23rd. There will be training for ZSR folks next week on April 16th (in-person) and on April 17th (on Zoom). Everyone should have received a calendar invite... more ›