#Society of North Carolina Archivists

Inside ZSR

Tanya–Tri-State Archivists Meeting (Greenville, SC)

I was able to sit in on one day of the Tri-State Archivists 2013 (Society of Georgia Archivists, Society of North Carolina Archivists, Society of South Carolina Archivists) joint meeting at Furman University, Greenville, SC. While my time was short, the quality of the presentations definitely made the trip worth it. The opening plenary was... more

There’s no crying in archives! Or is there?

On March 29th and 30th, I attended the annual conference of the Society of North Carolina Archivists or SNCA (along with Rebecca and Craig). We were fortunate that it was held at UNC-Greensboro this year, making it an easy drive. Being on the planning committee, I knew that there were more people registered for this... more

Craig at SNCA

This was my first time attending the Society of North Carolina Archivists Conference as a attendee, although a few years ago, Audra and I, along with Rachel Hoff presented in Pinehurst about Protecting Forsyth’s Past. The conference was amazingly well organized and run. The signage was great and parking was available nearby. I have already... more

Rebecca at SNCA 2012

Last week, Vicki, Craig, and I traveled to Greensboro for the Society of North Carolina Archivists (SNCA) Annual Conference. UNCG hosted both days of the conference and it was a great opportunity to spend time with and learn from colleagues from all over the state. Thursday’s lunch-time plenary speaker was Kate Theimer,author andblogger. Kate is... more

Paper Mending Workshop @ Etherington Conservation Center

On Wednesday, March 28th, I was fortunate to travel to the Etheington Conserevation Center and attend a paper mending workshop sponsored as part of the Society of North Carolina Archivists (SNCA) Annual Conference at UNCG. The workshop was taught by Director of Conservation, Michael Lee, who is a trained conservator with a specialty in paper... more