#special collections & archives

Inside ZSR

An Introduction to Special Collections & Archives

With the start of a new school year, we frequently hear: “So, I have a question for Special Collections & Archives, who should I contact first?” The first, best place to start is archives@wfu.edu, your go-to for anything e-mail and for referring reference questions, faculty requesting instruction for classes, or donations. Messages sent to this... more

NCPC Annual Conference

NCPC Annual Conference Nov. 13, 2017 I was anxious to attend the North Carolina Preservation Consortium conference this year for several reasons: seeing my colleagues and firming up teaching commitments, as well as wishing outgoing Executive Director, Robert James well. The conference was held at The McKimmon Conference and Training Center of NC State University.The... more

What’s It All About in Special Collections & Archives?

A frequent question heard in ZSR: “So, I have a question for Special Collections & Archives, who should I contact first?” That is a very good question to ask, and here is an answer. While everyone in SCA multitasks to a certain point, we do have people serving as “leads” in particular areas, and it... more