During October 2009

Inside ZSR

Report on the 2009 NISO Forum on Library Resource Management Systems

First of all please allow me to say thanks to the ZSR Library’s leaders and in particular my supervisor Erik Mitchell, Susan Smith, Wanda Brown and Lynn Sutton for giving me the opportunity to attend such an informative and rewarding conference on Library Resource Management Systems, so beautifully organized by NISO. NISO is the National... more

NCLA pt.2

Thanks to those who responded to the querry I posed within my first NCLA post. I look forward to discussing your answers with each of you. I hope others as you get a chance will consider responding as well. Thursday morning of NCLA featured several of our LAMS sponsored programs. Beginning with Dr. Larry White,... more

Day Two at NISO

Day two at NISO has been as intense as day one with a lot of information to digest within just one day. Everybody was pretty relaxed (and exhausted) and comfortable with each other as we all got well acquainted the day before. Today’s talk was much about collaborative work and consortial partnership. Vendors believe that... more

NCLA 2009

Mary Scanlon and I attended the Thursday session of NCLA’s 58th Biennial Conference in Greenville, where 543 registrants converged on the Greenville Convention Center. The speaker at the day’s Ogilvie Lecture was Mary Boone, State Librarian of North Carolina, who commenced her address by countering our awareness of parlous times for libraries by citing positive... more

NISO Forum Day One

The first day of the NISO forum on Library Resource Management Systems went very well and touched on some of the different means that libraries are now using to manage their resources to respond to the changes in the library environment. After a great continental breakfast where I started networking with Grace Liu, Systems Librarian... more

Wanda @ NCLA

I am down in Greenville, attending the North Carolina Library Association’s 58th Biennial Conference themed, “NC Libraries: Serving Knowledge…Serving You. “Tuesday was a day for morning travel eastward on a most rainy and dreary day to conference headquarters for a Library Administration and Management Section (LAMS) sponsored pre-conference that outlined strategies and goals used in... more

Jean-Paul in Boston for the NISOForum on Library Resource Management Systems

I was so relieved when my flight from Greensboro touched down in Washington at about 11:30am this morning. I went through the worst turbulence ever on this flight and when it was over, I had to do it all over again from Washington to Boston but fortunately, this one went smoothly. After collecting my luggage... more

NCLA 2009 Google Tools Pre-conference

On Tuesday, October 6th, I led a pre-conference on Google Tools for TNT. I was expecting 16 attendees, but because of the cancellation of an earlier workshop, I ended up with 22 attendees. About half of them brought laptops as suggested, and this made for an excellent hands-on experience for those attending! The workshop was... more

Susan’s Final Post from LITA National Forum, SLC

Since I reported in yesterday, I finished up my “hosting” jobs of introducing session speakers in concurrent sessions. I introduced Robin Hastings (Missouri River Regional Library) who spoke on “Collaborating in the Cloud.” She discussed how libraries can leverage their social networking presence using various free sites like Google Docs and Flickr. It was a... more

Lauren’s Last LITA (B)log

Erik, Susan, and I are sitting in the Salt Lake City airport, writing up our final blog posts after getting a meal at the food court. If you’re interested in the detailed notes from the last two sessions I attended, here they are: Next-Gen Catalogs are Only Part of the Solution Technical/Tangible/Social AND Picture the... more