During October 2012

Inside ZSR

Susan at LITA National Forum

Columbus Skyline As most of you are probably aware, I am the chair of this year’s LITA National Forum Planning Committee. What that has meant for me is that I’ve been working with the planning committee (and I might add, it has been a strong, effective group of people!) for over a year to put... more

Thomas at LITA Forum

The 2012 LITA National Forum started yesterday with an engaging keynote by Eric Hellman, formerly of OCLC, Openly Informatics, and more citation linking projects than I can count. Eric’s new venture is Unglue.It (http://unglue.it), which presents an interesting new approach to funding e-book publication. The talk went through a number of factors related to the... more

LITA National Forum 2012: A Different Perspective

This is my third LITA National Forum. This past year I’ve served on the planning committee for the forum that is ably chaired by Susan Smith! Serving on the planning committee has provided me with a very different perspective. This year I’m focused on serving the attendees, posting information on the LITA blog, serving as... more

Rebecca at THATCamp Philly

Friday and Saturday I had the great opportunity to visit Philadelphia for THATCamp Philly. THATCamp(The Humanities and Technology Camp) is one of the many outcomes of the creative and innovative minds at the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University. THATCamp is an “un-conference” where the participants suggest the sessions and vote... more

Engaging and Supporting the Wake Forest Student

Last week, Wanda and I attended the first presentation in a series entitled, “Engaging and Supporting the Wake Forest Student.” It is hard to resist a title like that. There were about 15 attendees, most of whom were teaching faculty. The series is co-sponsored by the Teaching and Learning Center and the Office of Multicultural... more