On Friday, March 18th, Amanda, Jeff, and Steve visited Chapel Hill to attend the LAUNC-CH Conference. This is an annual conference put on by the librarians at UNC-Chapel Hill and features breakout sessions on a variety of topics related to all aspects of academic librarianship. Keynote Address: Makerspaces in Libraries (Amanda) The Keynote Address was... more ›
Although successful digitization projects are developed collaboratively, Leigh Grinstead says that the project manager is the main person responsible for maintaining the vision of the project. This was my key takeaway after last week’s webinar, “Project Management and Workflow for Digitization Projects.” “It’s that project manager that holds on to the vision, and uses it... more ›
This year’s meeting of the Music Library Association was held in Cincinnati, where, during breaks and receptions, we enjoyed 1920s tunes performed by members of the Cincinnati Opera, and by MLA’s own big band, in the Netherland Plaza Hotel’s beautifully-restored 1930 Art Deco ballroom. DIVERSITY It has long been recognized that America’s conservatories and orchestras... more ›
This was the third First-Year Experience (FYE) conference I have attended, and while not a traditional “library conference,” there are always many librarians who attend and there is always useful content! I began planning for this conference almost a year in advance. I had been looking for a place to present on the Faculty Fellows... more ›
As part of our continued efforts to maintain emergency preparedness, the ZSR Safety and Security Committee hosted two training sessions this past January. What follows is a brief summary of these training sessions and a review of key take-aways and reminders. AED/CPR Training In January, the ZSR Safety and Security Team hosted an AED/CPR (re)certification... more ›